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Hi .. I'm Jasmine Marie Espinosa.I'm 18 years old. Im REALLY SHORT.. im about 5'1-5'3 and I have a 2 year old son named Jayden Aaron Espinosa.

I'm Hispanic\Latino..But.... currently live in Bradford England I WAS going to study here.

Well I know your wondering.. "Oh wow  she has a son? where's the father ?. blah blah blah"... Well his father left when I was two weeks pregnant to audition for the X-Factor. I didn't tell him. well simply because I was in dinial of myself being pregnant when I took the pregnancy test... it came out positive, i was a wreck.

Anyway I didn't say anything to him untill I was sure of it... so I waited 2-3 weeks to see if I would develop a little bump or morning sickness.. or any of the pregnancy signals. And well.. I sure got a Hell a lot of morning sickness. And that's when i  knew I could not deny it anymore... I was pregnant.

One thing that hurts the most it that, he said he will keep contact with me.... but after a month or so.. I didn't get no texts.NOTHNG..The hardest of things was telling my mother... And well my father died at War. But that's another story.

The point is I was Pregnant with the child of Zayn Malik.

I didn't go to college.. because I had a child at home, even though my mother was desapointed of me she still helped me every step of the way.And I appreciate her so so so so much for it..

I know I made a HUGE MISTAKE in my life... but I dont regret it.. because I have my wonderful and beautiful son here to keep me company. Another thing is that he reminds me sooo much of Zayn . It pains me to look at him. Jayden has all of Zayn's features. His big thick and long eyelashes, perfectly shaped eyebrows, his brownish but still hazel eyes, Jet Black colored and smooth hair,  and a taned skin,but he has my nose, and cheeks.

I'm very sporty I love soccer, but Jayden LOVES SOCCER...OH...I've taught him well.... (sorry if I'm just popping random things and changing the topic)

Well through all that mess..... leads up to where my son are at this very moment...... and I'm glad to have him.

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