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I came out of the Principal's office with all confidence,feeling satisfied and relieved that I'm no longer the 'head girl' of my school.Its been a year of yelling and shouting and making sure the junior students maintain orderliness."Goodness" I said calmly as I rolled my eyes and sighed.
I rushed to the dormitory to grab my luggages,said goodbye to a few 'friends' no wait I never had any friend,I was always on my own with my thoughts.Nobody wanted to relate with me and I was happy with that,it helped me focus on my school work and got good grades.
Everyone in school believes I'm a snub because i don't interfere in matters that are not my business and i would simply walk away when asked an irrelevant question.
It's an only girls school called Girls House in Kwali, Abuja. It is better to be on my own and maintain my privacy because girls are...well, let's say drama queens. I was so surprised when the junior students voted me as their head girl, i know i was qualified academically but i had no interest for such things but I was already chosen and i had no option so i embraced the title at acted accordingly.
I was at the school exit already,I took a deep breathe and placed a big smile on my face.It felt like I was being released from a cage Oh well it was a cage with wolves and tigers and lions and dogs just mention it.
Finally,the freedom I have always dreamt of is here.I just graduated from college and ready to explore the world,the 'wild big world' as my sister will call it.
I quickly rushed to where my father's Mercedes-Benz GLK Class was waiting,I happily got into the car and greeted my dad.I actually wanted to hug him tight and tell him how excited I was and how much I miss home but...well i can't because he never agrees to such things as father-daughter hugs (rolled my eyes).He congratulated me and I smiled in response.He passed me some candies and chicken he got for me and I immediately started to tear into the flesh of the half sized chicken "this is exactly how I will tear into the walls of my new found freedom" I thought to myself.
I quickly finished eating and lay back in my seat,it was going to be an hour's drive and sleeping ain't a bad option.I was tired....zzzzzzzzz

Thank you all darlings,I will continue the next part immediately keep showing love,drop ur comments and yes critics are welcome 💋💋Bless you all

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