IAOH First Chapter of Sequel!

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--Ashton's P.o.v--

I took a sip out of my pop(Idk what Australian's call pop) as i turned on the sidewalk. Looking into the sun hurt my eyes. Damn cheat sunglasses.


I looked at the caller ID. It was Niall Horan my best friend. "Hey Nialler!" I chirp happily into the phone. "Hey Ash. Uh...I was wondering if you'd watch Clarries." Clarries was his 5 yr old sister. "Sure! WAIT! Why?" It stayed quiet."I'm going on a date-" "Niall you now what happens when you go on dates." I said sternly."Yes I know... I'll where condoms!" I chuckled. Niall had 2 girls. One was 5 her name was Kelsa. The other was 2 years her name was Jolie. Yet, Niall is only 19! "Yeah. I know but those don't work! Plus I don't want to have change stinky dippers." It once again stayed quiet. "How'd YOU know those things don't work?" He questioned. I hesitated.

It was embarrassing for some reaaon. I didn't want Niall knowing, atleast not until i thought he should know. "Umm. I was guessing." "Oh. Okayyy." Yes! Hopefully he bought it. It could be very hard to convince Niall. "So can you watch her?" "Fuck Niall!" I hissed. I don't know why i screamed I just all of a sudden got mad. I wish I didn't though. When I cuss and shout it kind of shows I'm mad. "Ni-" "No. Its fine. Never mind." I heard the other end of the line go dead."FUCK!" I screamed, kicking the nearest tree.

I was crying because of Luke. It had been almost 2 and a half years. At first we texted each other every day. Morning to night but then one night he just stopped texting back. Since then i've moved on... or at least tried. I might as well go to campus. Yes. Thats right I go to college. I shared a dorm with Zayn Malik. He was one of my best friends.

I unlocked the door, one my left was his mirror. Zayn was a bit... vain. I didn't mind... to much. "Hiya Ash." "Hey Z." I called him Z as a nickname. I walked in jumping on my bed which was on the left. Taking out my phone I scrolled through twitter, looking at tweets and pics. All of a sudden the door opened. Tammie walked in. She was my other best friend. I know, your thinking"How many best friends do you have?!" well the answer is 3. Those 3 are Niall, Zayn, and Tammie Styles. It was a weird mix. Austrialin, Irish, British, and American as friends. But we all got a long.

Tammie's hair is all shades of pink. She had bright ass green which made her peach skin stand out even more. She was pretty. I swear if I wasn't gay i would definitely date her."guysidontknowwhattodomattbrokeupwithmehesajerksoineedyouguystohelpmerearrangebcheslikeeverywhere!" I couldn't understand what she said. "Tammie. Slow down." She told us once again."Okay. Matt broke up with me. So I need you guys to help me rearrange cause he's like everywhere!" we nodded"Uh. Ni's mad at me" I told them"Again!" Tammie asked Zayn mocked her by saying"Again." They'd make a cute couple. I told them about our convo.

It was lunch. We headed down to the cafeteria they had. We sat down. A minute passed. I saw Tomlinson(Louis) and his 2 Minion's. One of them is my friend. Niall. The other was Liam Payne. Louis had Melissa Micdory (his GF) wraped around his arms. Melissa and Tammie were BFF's. They left talking leaving Z, Ni, Tomlinson, Liam, and I alone. "Tomlinson." I said he mocked me only saying my last name. We only call each other by the last name since were 'Okay' "Irwin" "What do you want?" "Nothing. Just letting you know your ALWAYS welcomed to join us." He walked away.

Niall stayed behind. We talked about our conversation we had this morning. He forgave me."Thanks man!" "No problem" We hugged,(a manly one!) Tammie came back"There's gonna be a newbie. And it's a boy" I smiled. "What's his name?" She giggled"Woah! Calm down! His name is..."

*Hey! I know the first one book sucked. But i'll try to make this one better. Sorry the first chappie's confusing but I can't tell you bc you'll need to know for later on okayyy? ANYWAy thank you for all the votes, reads and all thank you! OUL has 5,000 and some! Thank you guys so much! I love every single one of you who read my books. Lots of love byyye*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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