chapter one

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hi, this sequel is long overdue! warning tho it will somewhat be different than what y'all are expecting, and i am currently working on the spinoff for all of those vmin shippers ;-)

please enjoy!


"hyung, how has your mental health been lately?" jungkook asks, watching as namjoon blows the steam from his coffee. the elder takes a minute to let his eyes sweep over the cafe they were in before responding. jungkook looks up at him, both worried and hopeful. he just joined the working world a year ago and namjoon doesn't feel like burdening him with his problems.

"i'm fine, jungkook." he lies through his teeth. the truth is, although it's been almost three years since he's ever caught a glimpse of seokjin in real life, he sees him on his television all of the time. truthfully, it's been hard to actually get over the male. sure, he's tried dating again, but all he ended up doing was comparing them to that asshole and ruining everything.

"are you sure, hyung?" the younger questions and namjoon has a hard time getting over the fact that jungkook has grown so much in what seems to be a short span of time. namjoon nods, taking a sip of the bitter coffee.

"enough about me! how are things with you jungkook-ah?" namjoon diverts and jungkook takes the bait, launching into a story about how his coworkers set fire to the printer in their office for the third time this month. namjoon listens tentatively, admiring how grown jungkook is, but is slightly happy at how he still manages to act like the shy, excitable 17-year-old he first met.

jungkook's phone rings when he's in the middle of telling how his coworkers managed to coax their boss' wife into telling him to not fire them. jungkook checks his phone and sighs.

"i have to take this, i'll be right back." he looks upset as he leaves to answer the call and namjoon visibly slumps in his seat, depression combing over him now that he doesn't have to put up his walls.

namjoon sneaks a glance at jungkook, the younger looking frustrated as ever as he speaks into the phone. namjoon can't help but admire the way jungkook's sleeves to his dress shirt are rolled up past his elbows, so he can see the veins in his arms as he clenches one of his fists in one of the pockets of his slacks. he snaps out of his dreamlike state when the bell to the cafe dings and jungkook comes storming in.

"sorry, i have to go namjoon." jungkook apologizes, making the elder worried. he watches as jungkook slides his blazer on.

"what's wrong?" namjoon asks, biting his bottom lip. jungkook realizes this and sends him a calming smile. he stops biting his lip as jungkook places his hand over namjoon's slightly bigger one.

"just an incident at work," jungkook sends him a half smile, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. he places down enough money that covers the both of them and namjoon knows better than to complain now. "someone apparently leaked some vital information to one of our rivals."

with that, jungkook says his see you later and leaves. namjoon doesn't know why he's so sad to see him go.


a lot of things have happened in the past two years after namjoon last saw seokjin at his birthday party. one, hoseok's advice was terrible and he never got over seokjin. two, he moved out of that neighborhood, no longer wanting to leave his house and stare at the empty one next door, reliving the painful memories at that house and his, now he lives with hoseok and yoongi. three, he's been clinically diagnosed with bipolar depression and has been taking these 'happy pills,' which as the name implies is supposed to make him 'happy.' (newsflash, they don't. they just make him drowsy and delirious as fuck.)

namjoon gets into a sort of fetal position, the plain sheets of his bed rustling. he stares at the orange pill bottle in his hand, head resting on one of his many ryan plushies--one of the things that could actually make him happy other than jungkook and his other friends--his finger trails over the soft 'fur' of the plushy and he sighs pitifully because seokjin gave him this one.

"why can't i get over you?" he mumbles to himself, jutting his bottom lip out as his finger goes over the mouth of the ryan plushy. a sudden flash of anger overcomes him and he punches the plushy. "you have a wife now! i hope you're happy, you fucking asshole. i hope she miscarries when you get her pregnant!"

namjoon realizes what he has said and is shocked and disgusted with himself. he attempts to soothe the plushy, tears falling as he whispers out apologies to it.

he lets out a little laugh sob, looking the lion in it's beady eyes as he realizes how crazy he must look right now. "look at me, i'm apologizing to a stuffed animal! i'm going crazy over a man who left me for a woman! i'm not going to pine over that asshole any longer!"

he reaches over the mountain of ryan plushies and grabs his phone. he unlocks it and goes to the phone app, so he can call the number of a person who he really needs to see right now. he presses call and holds the phone up to his ear, biting his nails as he listens to the dial tone. when he hears a click and a sniffle before the person says hello, he lets out a sigh and smiles.

"hey, you want to go out for drinks tonight?"


hello, i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of many in this sequel! sorry it took me so long to get this up, i wanted to improve my writing skills first.

anyways, unlike the first story, this will include smut for those of you who were disappointed in the lack of smut in the first one (my smut skills were terrible then) and the smut will most likely be a little over the vanilla side, so a little warning there.

yes, the old characters from the last story will appear along with some new ones.

feedback is appreciated! so please leave some comments and don't forget to vote :^)

peace, love, and chicken grease! :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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