seven ; mile

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"She hasn't slept?" I look up and see Yoongi walk in.

"Aniyo. She hasn't." Namjoon shakes his, his hands are clasped under his chin, thinking.

"Go work out." Yoongi says to me.

I nod and get up, "No sit down."

I sit and see Hoseok walking in, "She needs to eat, then work out. she'll get sick and we can't trade her."

"She needs to work out, because it's obvious she won't eat." Yoongi says.

The atmosphere got really scary, and dark. Yoongi is fuming from rage in just a short couple minutes, you can tell he gets mad fast.

"She won't be able to work out unless she eats and naps. I understand that you want her to do that, but she can't." Hoseok yells at him.

Yoongi pulls a gun from the back waistband of his pants, and points it at Hoseok.

"Listen to me, you little fucker. She will do what I want, when I want." Yoongi says then points to gun at me.

"Get your ass up and get into the fucking work out room." I get up and walk to the work out room, but Hoseok stops me.

"Wait for me." He whispers in my ear.

I walk to the workout room, and see Jeongguk and the Jimin dude talking.

"Nanhee! You're a....wake." I don't even stop to talk to Jeongguk who's walking to me, I walk to the boxing bag and put wraps on my hand.

I start taking my frustrations on the bag. About him, about deciding to stay, putting Mijin in his situation.

"Move your arm a bit more." I turn to see Jimin, crossing his arms and staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Like this." Jimin demonstrates.

"Oh okay." I nod and swing my arm back, and hit the bag.

"More force." He say.

I do it again, harder this time.

"Again... Harder... Kick, swing.... Again." Is this Jimin training me?

"Now for a actual work out." He gave me specific things to do with certain amount of reps.

He really pushes me and I like that, he's helping me forget and I appreciate that.

"Okay now that the workout is don't, you're going to run a mile."



"Faster. Run faster. Faster, NANHEE RIN FUCKIN' FASTER!" Hoseok yells from the side of the treadmill.

Jimin needed to do something and Hoseok decided to help me run.

"I AM!" I scream.

"RUN. FASTER." I speed up, I feel as if my legs are going to give out any second, and I can't breathe.

"Nanhee you're almost done, go faster! Finish line is right their, GO. GO!" He screams.

I speed up then the treadmill stops, I fall back on my ass, the impact of not running anymore hurting.

"Tomorrow we're going another mile, but you're going to pass your time here." Hoseok states then walks out.

I gasp for air, sitting on the floor.

I grip my hair and then someone sits next to me, handing me a water bottle and a cloth.

I take both of them and down the whole bottle and wipe my sweat.

"You should eat dinner. It's late, but theirs leftovers in the fridge." I look up and see Namjoon.

"Dae." I nod and he helps me up.

It takes a minute to walk, my legs aching like a bitch, but I walk to the kitchen and sit at the island.

It takes a minute to walk, my legs aching like a bitch, but I walk to the kitchen and sit at the island

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"Eat up. You need your energy for tomorrow." He smiles softly and I nod.

"Dae. Gomwao." I smile and start to eat the food.

It tastes really nice, filling up my stomach. I smile softly and do a small dance while eating.

"Why are you dancing?" I look up to see Hoseok.

I blush and slowly stop, "The foods really good."

"That's great." The smile on Hoseoks face looks genuine, and happy.

"Jimin, Mijin and I are going to dance. Want to join?" He asks.

"Dae! Can I finish first?" I blush looking at my food.

"Yeah. We're doing it tomorrow anyway. After that you should shower then sleep." Hoseok pats mt head and I nod.

I get up after I'm done eating, then walk to the room Mijin and I are sharing, and she isn't in here.

I quickly shower and get into pajamas and crawl into bed.

I hold my cow, under the blankets so no one will see him, and close my eyes.

"Hyung, leave her alone." I hear. 

"Hoseok, I very highly recommended you get off me or Ill shoot you."

"Hyung please, she hasn't slept, she just ate, please leave Nanhee alone." Hoseok begs.

I can tell who he's talking to is Yoongi, the deep voice and the pissed off tone.

"Don't you think I see you? Getting close to her? Getting happy?" Yoongi sounds more pissed off than usual.


"I see you! You're getting to close. I'm getting rid of her before you can l-"

"What if I already do, huh hyung? We have a rule of no getting close, designed by you, but we also have a rule that we can kill people that someone else in the ga-"

"Don't you think I know this? I'm pretty sure I fuckung do. I'm the one who made them." Yoongi cuts off Hoseok.

"Okay, then fucking follow them, hyung. Take the day tomorrow to know her. Bring her to do something you like." Hoseok says.

"Ani. I don-"

"You know you do. So do it. Go burn something." Hoseok says.

i guess i'm not dancing tomorrow

omg guys i really like this book.
is that bad

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