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We hike down the mountain in silence, nobody daring to speak.

I clench and unclench my fist, blue sparks flying from it. The pendant glows, burning into my chest, but I don't care. Jacob died, and nobody seems to notice.

I trusted him, and he died. I trusted Elliot, but he's a liar.

Everyone I trust is a mistake. I knew I shouldn't have let Jacob in, but I did anyway, and now I pay for it.

Ty isn't here, my life is a lie, and Jacob died.

"Hey, Sam, who did you guys see in that...Place?" Lily asks when we get in the car.

"Lindsey," He says, no emotion in his voice.

"Who's that?"

He turns up the music, not replying.

"Ok, thanks for the answer."

For the rest of the day, those are the only words anyone speaks. Those are the only words spoken for the whole two days the ride takes.

"Sam," Simon says when we get back home. "Don't blame yourself. There was nothing you could do."

Sam tosses the keys to the side, dragging his feet to his room, closing the door. Simon follows.

I settle into the couch, the cushion sinking beneath my weight. Lily takes a seat across from me.

"It's not as bad as you think," Lily says.

I don't say anything. I can't. Nico's words swirl around my head like a tornado, taking over my every thought.

"He had a plan, Jay. He knew he was going to die."

Tears sting at my eyes, but I blink them back.

"Are you just going to ignore me?"

The door creaks open, and I look to see who it is. Standing in the doorway is Jacob, his eyes uncertain. There's no hole from the bullet.

I get up and run to him, wrapping my arms around him. The force makes him stumble backward, the door catching his fall. He laughs quietly, hugging me back.

"Missed you too, even though it was only two days."

"You died."

"Actually, that was my clone. Remember how I said I made a second me with my time powers? Yeah, I switched places with Jacob 2.0."

"Don't ever do that again."

He pulls away, looking me in the eyes. "Jay, I swore I would never abandon those close to me, no matter what."

That's when it break. The wall that I've kept intact for so long falls down, tears pouring out.

Jacob pulls me back to the couch, wrapping his arms around me protectively. He doesn't say a word, letting me get everything I've held in for years out.


The next day rolls around, and everyone gathers in the living room, relaxing. Lily rests against Sam's chest, his arm draped around her shoulder. Simon sits next to Sam, giving him and Lily their space. Jacob and I sit next to each other on the other.

"I have a question. Where's Ty?" Jacob asks.

I shrug. "We haven't seen her since we got to the mountain."

"And what does the stone do? We went all the way there, have you done anything with it yet?" Sam asks.

Slipping the necklace over my head, I throw it to the ground. The pendant morphs into a portal, an engraving of a tiger on the top of the black ring, a slot for the stone underneath it. I take the stone out of my pocket.

"Wait!" Ty runs in, kittens on her back. "Are we too late?" I raise an eyebrow. "I'll explain these guys later."

I reach up, putting the stone in the slot. It shines, reflecting the light off its smooth surface.

The portal rises, a blue glow surrounding it. A burst of light shoots out in every direction, knocking me onto the couch. I shield my eyes with my hand.

It spins quickly, then shrinks into the pendant. I pick it up, putting it back on.

"What'd that do?" Sam asks.

"The portal knows who's responsible and who's not. It took away powers from anyone who wasn't worthy of them," Ty says.

I reach my hand out to one of the kittens, and it jumps onto my arm, nipping at my finger. Ty bites the back of its neck, placing it next to her.

"So, about these guys..."

"Yes, about them," I say.

"There was this guy... He's a nice guy. We kinda...These are my children."

"Oh we know who's having children next," Simon says, staring at Sam and Lily.

"There's an issue though. I don't know what these guys will be like. I can do anything and had offspring with a mortal. No, not a human either. What if they die because of that?"

"I could run some tests to find out how closely their DNA relates to yours," Sam offers.

A tiny, gray furball attacks my foot playfully. I pick it up, petting its head.

"That's Joseph," Ty says. She nods to the other ones. "And that's Kevin, Heather, Viola, and Valentina."

"Can we keep them?" Jacob pleads.

"You skipped one," I say.

"I did? No...That's all five."

"Yourself. You never told us your name."

"Her name is Ty," Jacob says.

"No, I just call her that because it's short for Tiger, just spelled differently."

"My name? I'm... I'm Crystalina."

Sam smiles. "While you guys re-introduce yourselves, I'm gonna go make some breakfast."

"Put sugar in it!" Jacob says.

"You have enough energy as it is."


Jacob and I sit on the couch after breakfast, alone. His hand moves to mine, but I pull it away.

"Do you not want this?" He asks, confused.

"I don't think we can work out," I say, and he moves away from me a little. "I want to be friends, but I don't know what my sexuality is. I gave it a try for a while, but now I need to find out what I'm supposed to be."

He nods. "It's ok, I understand."

"I just need time. I'm only starting to let myself be human, I can't jump into a relationship."

"As long as you're happy, I'm ok with whatever you want to be."

OMG WE'VE REACHED THE END! Ok, so, I know. I made it seem like they were gonna be together then at the last second was like 'Nope! Forget that!', but really, Jay isn't that type of person. Sorry if you had your hopes up. 

Anyway, don't leave just yet! I'm thinking about a sequel! Those kittens are gonna have some issues...And no, they don't stay kittens, they change forms just like Ty. Sorry if you consider that a spoiler.

Tell me what you think, I'll be editing this for a while now, so yeah.

Vote, comment, share, etc.

-Mc out!

For now ;)

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