A question asked by @AlfredJones841

220 8 3

Who do you Sam, Castiel, And Dean. Think is the most mature and responsible, out of the three of you? 

*Loud clash*

Dean- Cas! Don't throw the cupcakes!!!

Lexi- HEy guys s- 

*throws another at my face*

Dean-Cas! your'e supposed to eat the cupcake!

Lexi-*huffs and wipes frosting off face* Guys!

Cas-*eyes widen* Oh! *shoves it into mouth* It taste like molecules. *muffled noise*

Sam- *sam walks in holding a gun* What the hell? Dean?

Lexi- GUYS!

*turns and looks at me*

Lexi- Can you answer the question?!?!

Cas and Dean- Sam. 

Sam- *smiles* I better be!

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