"my name is (y/n). i am twenty-three years old. im from (hometown)." you said into the mirror. you had plans tonight and you had to get ready. you didn't actually want to go, but you knew you knew Marcus was going to be there. and you knew what to do with him. (flashback) when you were 6 years old, you and Marcus were great pals. it lasted that way until middle school. you had gone on a trip to visit family. you weren't gone for more than a week. when you returned, everyone was calling you a snake. you had no idea why. at lunch, some girl came up to you and said "ha look, it's the snake bitch. why don't you go kill yourself already? it would mean a lot to me since you went behind Marcus's back." you stood there, shocked. you had no idea what she was talking about. suddenly, her boyfriend came to pick her up. you noticed how he gave you a very dirty look. you had no idea what was happening, or what she was talking about. you didn't even know the girl. so, you decided to talk to Marcus after school.
the school day went by fast. faster than you expected. was it because you were nervous? it didn't seem like it.
when you got home you noticed you got a text from him.
Marcus H. 6:03 PM
"Meet me @ the park at 8. We need to talk."