Chapter 1

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•Hannah's POV•

It's Grace. Everything she does is perfect. That smile, her eyes, her gorgeous brown that comes down just below her shoulders. My problem, it's Grace. Every touch gives me the tingly feeling I explained in one of my Coming Out videos. Her laugh makes me want to laugh with her. What's the problem, if she's so perfect? The problem is I have fallen deeply in love with her.

I wake up to the sound of Grace's voice "This is Grace calling, pickup." This is the ringtone she has given me, and I told her I don't know how to change it, but I love hearing her voice.

*phone conversation*

Hannah: Hey Grace! What's up?

Grace: Hey Harto! I was just wondering if you wanted to make a collab video on itsGrace with me?

Hannah: *silent for a couple seconds* "Would love to," I said, getting really excited at the thought of being with Grace today. Snap out of it Hannah. She's not even a lesbian. "Well, gotta go do something. I think I'm going to walk around today, 'cause I have nothing to do today."

Grace: "I have to shoot a video with Tyler, but I can meet you for lunch?"

Hannah: "Okay, well I'll see you then, bye-"

Grace: "WAIT HANNAH," Grace said quickly.

Hannah: "Yeah?" I said, blushing.

Grace: "Where are we going to lunch?"

Hannah: Why did I think anything was going to change? "How about that new pizza place?"

Grace: "Sounds good! Bye Hannah"

Hannah: "See ya!"

See ya? I mentally kicked myself for that one. I decided to go see Mamrie and see what she's up to.

When I arrive at the door, the door's already open. Oh god, I thinking of all the bad possibilities. I walk in the neat house, and yell "Mamrie? Mamrie?!"

"What the hell do you want?" she said, she appeared behind me. Bloodshot eyes, she must've shot a hell of a YDAD, or she went somewhere.

"You okay?"

"Well you woke me up," she said, thinking about the right way to answer the question.

"I'm guessing you aren't okay, because you showed up here, and very loudly, infact."

"Sorry, your door was open," I said sitting down on one of her couches. She scratches her red hair, yawns, and then says "Is it about Grace, and how you are madly in love with her?" "Maybe." Mamrie raises one eyebrow. "Yes," I admit.

Mamrie pour herself a glass of water, takes a huge sip, swallows, and then says "Hannah, you need to talk to her about this. You never know, she may love you back."

"She's straight Mamrie, she doesn't like me." "You'd be surprised by Grace. When are you next seeing her?"

"I'm meeting her for lunch at Tony's."

"Talk to her then," Mamrie says, sipping the last part of her water.

"You know what, that's what I'm going to do. Thanks Mamrie," I said, giving her a hug.

"Just don't wake me up so early in the morning again."

"Mamrie, it's 12:30."

"Well fuck you too!"

Mamrie smiles, and I go on my way

It's Grace // hartbigWhere stories live. Discover now