I'm hurt but you aren't..

15 2 2

"Babe I need to leave, Mexico"
he said

"Why? Why so sudden?"
I replied

"Don't ask questions, I have to, I got some "relatives" in Mexico"
He said

"Well, sure, but if you want to leave me then say so"
I said

"You're starting to get annoying"
He said

"So are you"
I said jokingly

"Janene I'm serious I dont want to stay here, in this house"
He said

"So want to break u- nevermind"
I said and go upstairs and slam my door

He doesn't want me no more.

He was lying all this time.

He hated me.

I fell in love with him.

He broke me.

He broke my heart.

He lied to my face.

That "I love you" every morning.

Wasn't meant, it wasn't.

For me or for the girls he played.

He's such a player.

I start crying to myself in my room non stop till he comes in.

"What do you want?"
I said

"I want my suitcases, what else would I want? Wait why are
your eyes red?"
He said

"Why are you asking? Its not like you care about it"
I said

"You're right, I don't really"
He said rolling his eyes

"Such a jerk"
I said under my breath

"What did you say?"
He said

"Nothing, don't talk to me"
I said

"Babe you mad?"
He said

"Don't call me babe, do I even know you? Have I even known you at all? Julian Jara who?"
I said looking him in the eyes

"I will, Babe"
He said

"Don't talk to me or I'll do something you won't like"
I said

"Like what? Babe."
He said

I slapped him
"Look don't test me"

"Did my girl just slap me?"

"I'm not your girl one, and two, yeah I just did"
I said to his face

"You are, and how dare you?"
He said

"Do you really think I am? I dare to do anything to a jerk and you won't judge me at all"
I said getting up from my bed

He grabbed my arm so tight it hurt

"What are you doing?"
I shout

"You think you can slap me and get away with it? HA! Not today"
He said

"We'll see about that"
I said trying to get out of his grip

He pulled my hair and he thrown me on his bed and got on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Stop or I'll d-do something you'll regret what you did"
I said

"Slap me again? I don't mind"
He said

"No w-worse"
I said

"I don't think you can do more"
He said looking into my eyes with his ocean blue eyes

I couldn't find a way to get him off me, so I decided to do the one thing that my best friend Jovani, taught me
I KICKED HIM RIGHT IM THE BALLS, I mean....I was almost raped and it's obvious when you need to use this method

He said in pain

"Just so you learn to not use me only as a sex slave, you were just about to break up with me, you never loved me, and you were a jerk all this time but after i kneew it this? now it's a sex thing you're trying to get use of me just for your reasons and im not letting that happen, I won't let what you want happen"
I said

"Your asking for something t-"

Before he could finish I go DS and go out the door before he could catch up with me, but before I knew it I was on the floor.

My vision was blurry, all I could see was red everywhere.

I was bleeding.

And someone was saying stuff like




"She's dead"

And so as I heard that
I blacked out.

All I could hear was crying and shouting and the ambulance picking me up and just after that It was silent.

I can hear nothing.

Just silence.

Ello Miro in da house!


So this book us sorta dedicated to two of my best friends Ariel and jenene these two are my wifeys that may sound weird BUT hope they like it if anyway they read this 😊ilysm guys

.btw sorry this short I mean....the whole book won't be in a chapter right?😂 lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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