Never again

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It had been 5 years since you graduated from Hope's Peak Academy. Working as a pageant coach, you were helping other girls achieve the same dreams you enjoyed as the Ultimate Pageant Queen (I'm turning the reader into an OC of mine, but just with your name as a replacement). A former Miss Japan Universe you were, and you had men falling at your feet, but you had eyes for only one, Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer. You two were in a long distance relationship due to college and work as Chihiro was studying abroad. You two Facebooked and Skyped a bit, but you missed him so much that it wasn't enough. Chihiro has graduated from his programs and was coming back and boy were you excited.  You even volunteered to pick him up at the airport. Today was that day.

You were anxiously waiting for his arrival. You weren't dressed in anything fancy really, just a (f/c) tunic with a ruffled hem and leggings, along with your (f/c) sandals. Suddenly he came into view dragging a suitcase, but he was different a bit. Sure, he had that same gentle face and that medium length hair, but everything else had changed. He was wearing a black button down shirt, and a brown jacket appropriate for spring. He also had on some casual jeans and black casual shoes. He was also...toned, he had some muscles and the jeans showed off his impressive size a bit which luckily was comfortably sitting on this thigh inside of his jeans. He looked damn good, even at 4'10. He was dragging his suitcase along when he finally saw you and began walking towards you. Your heart was beating faster and faster as he got closer. Stopping and looking up at you, you two said no words. Suddenly he grabbed, pulling you down to his level deeply kissing you, which you gladly returned.

"I missed you so much...(y/n)." Woah, you thought, his voice was actually a bit deeper than it used to be, puberty kicked in a little late on him, not making him much taller, but he looked and sounded more masculine than before.

"I missed you too, Chihiro." Holding hands, the two of you exited the airport and to your car. After putting his things in, he got into the passenger seat and soon you were heading down the highway. "So, what are you going to do now that you are back?"

"Well, I did do an internship at a software development company back in America, and I found this job even before I graduated." Wow, he doesn't even stutter anymore, man he has changed. "But, I couldn't bear to not be near you any longer."  He blushed like the old Chihiro did though. You had some time to kill and didn't want to end the day just yet. 

", would you like to go to the amusement park like we used to (y/n)?" Chihiro asked you suddenly.

"Well...yes. It would be fun to do that."

The two of you spent the rest of the day at the large amusement park, riding all of the rides, even the scary ones. He clutched your hand tightly on the big rollercoasters though. You guys ate until you were full and mainly walked around holding hands. It was growing dark now and there was one final thing that all couples just had to do...the ferris wheel. The two of you got into a car on the wheel and it began circling around.

As you snuggled against your shorter boyfriend, he sighed in contentment. "I have been thinking a lot about the future. I never really thought much about it when I used to hide behind the persona of a girl. I do want to have that cliche life. The wife and kids, the white picket fence life you know, and the dog." The ferris wheel suddenly stopped near the top and the view was amazing. He then fiddled with his pocket and pulled out a soft red velvet heart box, opening it to the most beautiful princess cut diamond platinum engagement ring with baguette stones on the sides. Your eyes welled up with tears.

"(y/n) (l/n). Never again will I leave you, your name will be the last on my lips when I take my last breath. I want that future with you. I will be the best husband I can be for you, if you will have me. Will you marry me?"

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