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"Dad, I'm hungry" my little princess whines as she crawls on top of me. I groan out as I hear Vanoss mumble something, he's probably asleep. "Okay okay princess I'll get up" I reply to her majesty. "Five more minutes please" I hear Vanoss grumble asleep.

My little moonlight giggles at what she heard Vanoss say. I chuckle softly and place my finger on my lips signaling her to keep quiet. My princess grins and nods while slides off of my body landing on the wooden floor with a soft and tiny thud. I hear her giggle a bit after realizing what she did. I smile softly and throw my legs over the bed and walk after her.

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"Okay do I add the blueberries now?" my princess asks as she looks at the pancake mix. I nod and watch her pour in the blueberries. After she's done pouring the berries I take hold of the bowl and walk towards the stove. I lean the bowl over a bit and watch as the mix pours onto the pan slowly. Its quite satisfying to watch the mixture pour out.

While I was making sure not to burn the pancakes sleepy head decided to come down. I heard his heavy thumps as he approached the kitchen and the deep yawn that escaped from his lips. Confirmed that Vanoss or Evan was awake, I turn around and smile as I place a pancake on a plate. "Morning sleepy head, would you like some pancakes with maple syrup?" I asked smirking.

Vanoss chuckles softly still half asleep and rubs his hands together "Oh yeah! I'm ready to eat puncakes!" He exclaims making my princess laugh. Vanoss looks down at the ray of moonlight and grins making him look adorable. I quickly tense up after noticing what I said, is it okay to say your best friend is cute?

I asked myself as I returned back to making pancakes until my mind makes me remember something. "Vanoss! The pancakes are blueberry pancakes!" I exclaim worried that I may have served him something he didn't like. Vanoss chuckles "Its fine man, I like every pancake. Well except chocolate chip pancakes cause those sometimes get sweet". He tells me getting a little sidetracked at the end.

I chuckle and place the last two pancakes on the plate full of pancakes.  And sit down only to remember, I forgot the milk. I get up and go for the fridge while Evan and my princess chat for a bit. Or in this case goof around, "I hope you like my pancakes Vanoss" I say as I sit back down.

"Oh I love them!" Vanoss exclaims.

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"Daddy loves going to the museum, especially the art exhibit." My little princess tells Vanoss as she holds my hand while we walk by the museum. I blush out of embarrassment because the guys don't know I love art. Vanoss chuckles and looks at me smiling softly "Is that true?" He asks.

I look away for a bit "Um ah y-yes" I reply him stuttering a bit. Vanoss slaps his hand onto my shoulder and squeezes it. "Thats something interesting of you" Vanoss says, I feel my stomach do those flips again. "Let's go check out that art exhibit then" Vanoss says as he takes hold of my little girl's hand and walk towards the museum.

I grin holding in my excitement, I guess I know how my fans feel when something they ship or like happens. Which leaves me to think, I'm surprised no one has spotted Evan here yet.

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"You drink water H2O?" Vanoss questions seeing me grab a water bottle instead of a soda or juice. I stick my tongue out at him forgetting about something. "Woah! You have a tongue piercing!?" Vanoss exclaims eyeing my tongue like it was something exotic.  I feel my cheeks heat up quickly and my stomach once again starts doing those flips.

I might be catching a sickness or something, "Heh yeah surprise?" I reply him while I scratch the back of my neck. "Delirious, tell me is it true that you can feel fluids go through your tongue" Vanoss asks while he keeps staring at me like I'm some treasure.

"Yes it's true" I reply him making him grin, he looks so damn cute. I freeze mentally after realizing what just happened in my mind. "Dad also has a piercing on his lips, nose and ears!" My princess excalims. I quickly motion to keep her little mouth shut because I don't want Vanoss squealing over me all because of some piercings. But I was too late Vanoss was already under that spell you get when you fanboy or fangirl. "Can I see you wear them!?- Oh wait you can wear them at the upcoming E3!" Vanoss says while he grabs a hold of my hand.

My eyes widen quickly and Vanoss notices, "Oh sorry! I was so excited I didn't think" He explains. While he scratches the back of his neck while staring down at the floor. I was shocked at first but now I really want to go to E3. To see how it is to go there and see how the fans react when they recognize you. I smile softly at Vanoss as he stares back at me waiting for my answer.

"Daddy you can go to E3 I'll be fine with staying with Leilah" My little princess says. I look at her surprised to hear that she's willing to stay with our friend Leilah so I could go. I smile with a small chuckle "You sure? Because if you really don't want to stay with her I dont need to go" I tell her. Wanting her to think about it a lot more because I don't want to leave her when she doesn't want to stay.

"Positive" she replies grinning at Vanoss, something might have happened between her and Vanoss when I wasn't paying attention. But I wonder what these two could have talked about. Now that just scares the shit out of me.

Hello my readers if I have grammar mistakes in any of my chapters. I apologize I try to fix them before publishing the chapter. But sometimes some slip from my eye. Now this one might have more because I did it when my brain starts to shut down.

H2O's Little MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now