Poor, poor Mike......

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Elounor POV!

"He hung up, he said im going back to bed, ass" Jenna whines and Calum laughs at her

"What" she swats his arm playfully

"You caled him an ass for going back to sleep" he chuckled

"C'mon" I grab Jenna's wrist and we walk to the door, please be open, please, oh please, please be open......

"Yes" Mike says, he can be very childish somtime's its adorable.............

"Is it" I gasp, its actually open

"Where in" he jokes and we all tip toe inside..

"Im not gonna lie I feel like such a creeper right now" Ca

um whisper yelled and we all laughed lightly. ..

"Its too dark I dont know where the fuck I'm going" Jenna complains

"Yeah wheres a light" Mike trips and theres a huge bang, fuck..

"Oww" Mike chuckles and picks up the lamp he knocked over

"You dipshit" Jenna whisper yells and we al frezze when we hear footsteps down the hall..

"Hide" I run and jump behind the sofa, Jenna behind a recliner and Mike is with Calum under the table, the kitchen is attached to the living room. .

"Uhh, hello" Harry's voice is raspy from his sleep, I peek up to see him in the same clothes, huh, doesn't matter right now..

A chair moves and all I can hear is Mike saying SHIT!!

"What the fuck are you doing here" Harry looks down at Mike and Calum. .

"Well, we-uh.....you know" Calum innturupts Mike snd says

"Cheking your fruit, in case it was outta date" he says quite awkwardly

"Oh, yes, I'm guessing your stupid fucking girlfriend Jenna's hear too" Harry grins and Jenna jumps up..

"Fuck yeah I am, wheres Jade" Janna screams and I get up

"Yeah, where" I shout and cross my arms

"Calm your shits, she's asleep" he chuckles and Mike stands up....

"Well where" Mike fires back

Harry turns to face him and grins evily...

"My bed" He smirks and I freeze, I taught she was gonna kill him not, make up and be best freinds

"Oh" we all say at the same time....before.......Jade walk's in, she's waring a pair of boxers and sn oversized black-T

"Ellie, Jenna" she seems surprised and happy to see us"Whst time is it" she yawns, poor girl its about half six in the morning. .

"Six - thirty babe" Harry chuckles on the last part and smirks evily at poor Mike, who is just standing there. ....

"Hush" she days jokily and swats his arm"Mike" she realises he is here and he smiles, I can see a tear in his eye, poor guy, we should go....

"Hi Jade" he says as cherpy as possible

"I-im sorry" she stutter's

"For what, its fine"he smiles at her and opena his arms for her to hug, they hug for about fige or six seconds before Harry coughs awkwardly ....

"Well, we're sorry we taught he was goin kill you" Calum laughs5 and Harry stares at him angrily beform grining deviously again

"No we were making out on the couch" he smiled devishly and WOW he's an asshole...........

"Harry" Jade slaps his arm, Mike is gone completely red and shaky. ..

"Well, see you tomorrow I GUESS" Jenna sighed and giggled....

"Yeah lwts go back to bed baby" Harry pretended yo yawn and wrapped his arms around her waist...

"Bye guys, imsorry6" Jade stuttered and we all waved and waled out awkwardly. ...

?....................Five minutes later.......

"Mike, its ok" I try to comfort him, he's really upset but mostly angry

"He was showing off on how they, kissed" He says kissed quietly and looks down at his thumbs........"Asshole" he mumbles, poor Mike.....

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