Chapter 2: Are You kiding me?

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5 days later

"Hey Levy- nee!" I called out sipping on my coffee, waving to the bluenett. She quickly walked over and slid into a seat beside me.

"Hello Lucy -san..."

“Lucy I need to talk to you." Natsu said bluntly cutting Levy off.

I looked up with shock. A tiny part of my was doing a happy dance that he finally noticed me and actually said my name. Other part of me was full of rage. It kinda pissed me off that he cut off my friend.

"What the hell do you want?"I snarled, allowing my rage to take the winning side for today. Oh man the look of surprise on his face pleased me.

"We are kicking you off Team Natsu. We only have room for 6 including Happy." Natsu replied, his face going from surprise to a stone cold face.

I chocked on my coffee so hard it came out of my nose. The hot liquid burned my nose as it landed on the nearest target which just so happened to be Natsu. He looked down in disgust as I wiped my nose, my eyes slightly watering as the burn of the coffee died down. I snickered as I looked at the salmon haired douche standing in front of me with coffee stains beholding themselves upon his shirt.

"Opps sorry!" I snarled with an over exaggerated sweet voice. Levy looked at me with concern at my sudden change in behavior but then took a good look at Natsu and started laughing, turning her head to hide the fact.

"Lemme guess Lissana dear is taking my place? Hmm.... Your loss I guess. Well see ya!" I said coldly and stomped into Mackorov's room. I slammed the door behind me. As i saw Mackorov, the kinder more Lucy like part of me came out. I took a seat in front of his desk and he looked up with a kind smile.

“Lucy, what a pleasant surprise. How are you my child?” He said happily and I smiled.

“That’s debatable, on wither I'm fine or not Master. I came here to ask you something.” I said bluntly and he looked a bit shocked as to see I wasn't doing well. Before he could ask me what was wrong, I blurted out my question or more like my demand.

"Master I am leaving the guild." I said gently, looking down. A sense of sadness welled within me at the thought of leaving my home, my guild. Then again these past few days have been hell.

" Why Lucy? Your Nakama have always been there for you." Mackorov said his smile blanching out, quickly replaced by a frown.

I laughed. I started giggling like a 12 year old on a mega sugar rush. Oh how I now hated the word nakama. They were all fakes, never my actual family. They proved that the day that white headed chick came back.

"You should see how they treat me now. Happy and Levy are the only ones that talk to me. Today Natsu kicked me off Team Natsu. Nobody wants me Master, no one. They all think I'm a joke. " I started laughing again. Honestly I was starting to think I was mental.

He gently took my hand and removed my mark. He looked me straight in the eyes, and I could see the sorrow welling within them.

" Go my child. You will always be my child in my heart. We will be waiting for you to return Lucy Heartfilia." Master nodded silently and I ran out of the door.

I looked around, and jumped up to stand on a vacant table. It was sturdy so I stomped my black heeled boots against the wooden surface and the result was a loud clacking sound.

"Hey Levy, Happy! They both turned towards me. As did some of the guild. And when I say some I mean Gray, Erza, Natsu, Cana, Mira and half of the guild including Lissana. Wow the snob actually looked at me! Oh did I mention that every time I came round her she would start screaming and throwing things at me yelling, “You cant have Natsu!” Yeah I thought I didn't mention that. I honestly had no more patience for that girl...

"Levy thanks for being there for me, you too Happy. Levy My novel is on your doorstep under your flower pot. Happy I have sack of you favorite fish in the freezer at my place. My spare key under my mat. I have been here for about a year, and I loved this guild more than anything. But now with no friends to support me I realize that I probably over did my stay. Lissana I don’t know what I did for you to treat me like that but Have fun being in Team Natsu. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week, and I fully expect to be forgotten as soon as I walk out this door. Well I guess that’s it, Bye!" I yelled and then jumped off the table and ran out he door.

My arms were sticking out and I was pretending I was a plane flying away from the storm that ruined my life. *cough, cough 5 cough year old cough* Couldn’t blame me though after the mental disturbance to my brain as an end result of this week.

I was re-doing my life.

Look Whos Back! (A Nalu Fanfiction)*Undergoing revision*Where stories live. Discover now