First kiss

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Robin's POV
     We just came back from a mission that we finally didn't fail But there's always a catch to these types of things. During acquiring the data we needed a bullet grazed my arm. I didn't tell the team and hid it with my cape but Wally as always knows when something is up with his best pal. After the mission I decided I was gonna stay the night and slowly walked to my room. On the to my room chose to look at my injury hoping nobody was around and just as I wished nobody was. I covered my wound again with my cape. When I reached my door I found it was already unlocked."strange, I could of sworn I locked this when I was getting my gear" I thought in my head. When I entered my room I found Wally in his civvies standing against the wall by my bed staring at my arm and asked "when yah planning on telling us about the bullet that grazed your right arm?" How he knew that I didn't know. I walked towards my bed and sat down and sighed and asked
"Umm... Hopefully never. How about that?
Wally laughed and ran towards the bathroom no grabbed a first aid kit and treated my wound. After he was done wrapping the wound with gauze I took off my mask and asked "when did you find out?"
He replied as he shifted closer to "mm...maybe when there was blood running down your arm. I'm surprised no one else noticed  that" I blushed when Wally shifted closer to me.

Kid flashes POV
I saw a blush creep up Robin's face when I shifted closer to him. I have thinking a lot about Robin in a different way for the last few weeks such as paying closer to every detail about the boy wonder. "What would his lips feel like against mine,or what would his hair feel tangled in my hands" I thought. I decided I would dig my own grave and grabbed his hand and use my free one to guide his face towards mine. I softly pressed my lips on his and was surprised when Robin slid his hands over onto my shoulders and accepted the kiss. Then I carefully turned him and laid him on his back and pulled away staring into his sapphire blue eyes and he started to blush again and turned away. I tilted his face again and continued the kiss and took off his cape I laughed when squirmed under me.
(Did you find the hidden quote in here?)

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