Chapter One: Broken Families♡

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"Please don't make me." I whine into her boney shoulder.

My black boots dig further into the ground refusing to move. "Please, can you just go? For me?" My sister pleads at me whilst batting her thick black eyelashes.

My sister, Alex, is most definitely the full definition of perfect. Look up the word 'perfect' in the dictionary and her name is ironically right beside it. What with her sparkling golden brown eyes, natural and long beautiful blonde hair, and of course, her long model like legs. Then, unfortunately, there is me. Aria Winters. The "not so very good looking" duckling of our little family of two. I have blue eyes, faded purple hair, and a short curvy figure that was quite similar to our mother.

"No, Alex!" I hiss quietly, hoping she would just give up and take me back home.

"Why do I have to keep on telling you that we're going to stay and have a fresh start here? I really could care less about you not wanting to be here right at this moment in time!" Sydney snaps at me, nearly having a panicked breakdown in front of everyone stood in the parking lot, especially the ones staring at us from afar. My sister has always been very big on first impressions and what somebody thinks about her.

I am forced to let out a sarcastic laugh considering she has told me this before. "That is what you said the last time we moved, and the time before that, and the time before th-" She cuts me off before I can continue.

"Yes I know, but this time it's for definite. I promise-" She quickly pauses, choking on her breath whilst I kiss my teeth. "I can't promise that there will be no more hotels. It's just until everything is settled. Okay?"

I sigh feeling tired of everything that's coming out of her mouth. I still don't understand what needs to settle. We have been packing up and moving around for a whole year now and she hasn't done anything to help settle whatever she wants settled.

"Do you pinkie promise?" Holding my pinkie out with my bottom lip in a slight pout. "Only kids do that!" She hisses, pushing my finger down with her hand. "But I guess we could make an arrangement."

Looking at her I could tell she was avoiding promising me that we could move back; back to where we grew up, where all of our precious memories lay. "I don't like moving around anymore, I just want to feel at home for once.." I had to stop.

She let's go of my arm looking slightly annoyed before stepping back. "Don't start with the crying. It's not necessary and you're embarrassing me. It happened over a year ago. Get over it." She stares at me with a strange expression.

"How can I get over it? How can I, their daughter, get over something like that? They were our parents! But I guess I forgot how completly emotionless you've become since then. I'm going."

"Fine by me." Still looking at me with a killer stare that even the toughest man would hide from. Looking back at her one last time, I turned, before walking towards the entrance of my temporary school looking around at people as I passed them feeling anxious and on edge, but ready to take on anything.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble to myself.


"Aria Winters-" The old receptionist mumbles my name whilst typing away on her modern computer. I'd given up trying to tell her it was just Aria. For the past 10 minutes she has been doing something on her computer whilst mumbling my name over and over again.

So, to pass time, I just watched her old wrinkled fingers move with the mouse underneath her hand. Occasionally, I would look over at the ticking clock that hung on the bland coloured wall behind her. Finally, after what seemed like a life time, she clicks the right button on her mouse once and the machine in the right corner of the room begins to make a weird buzzing sound.

"Your schedule and map will be ready soon." She says glancing up at me. Staring at me for a few seconds she opens her mouth to speak.

"You have a very peculiar and strange name." Should I take that as a compliment or should I be offended? The crinkles underneath her bright green eyes rise up as she smiles politely at me and giggles a little. It was a true smile. It wasn't forced like many others I had seen over the past year, the smile spreads to her eyes making them beautifully sparkle underneath the light above her desk.

"I know." I reply in a very quiet and soft tone of voice. My mother named me. She always told me that she loved the name Aria from an early age, so I have always been proud that she gave the name to me and not my sister.

"It is so beautiful. Peculiar, but beautiful." Smiling, just a little more back at her, I whispered a small, "Thank you." She then stands up before walking over to the now quiet printer and grabs the two pieces of freshly printed paper before walking over to a row of folders on a shelf. She picks one up before placing it on her neatly organized desk and handing me the two papers.

She opens the folder labelled: 'Mandatory Speeches for New Students', and pulls a single piece of A4 paper out. Clearing her throat, she glances at me before beginning.

"We hope you have an amazing time with us and may your goals be achieved for the near future. If you have any queries or questions, do not be afraid to contact your principle, one of the other students, a teacher or another member of the office staff. Have a great first day, blah blah blah." She drops the piece of paper back in to the folder then slams it shut.

"The rest is crap, I'll save you from listening to it." She laughs and sends me on my way. I smile back at her forcefully, a little surprised with her abruptness. I look around her office rather quickly for the entry door, before moving out into the already busy hallway of Cathedral High.

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