Meeting the Monori Brothers

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~Doku Hana POV~
The car ride there was awfully boring but I tried to entertain myself by putting on my earphones and reading a book. After awhile I couldn't really see the words of the book cause it got dark and started to rain, so I decided to just listen to music and watch the rain drops hit the window. After about a hour and a half I feel the car jerk to a stop and Karuma looks at me with a puzzled look "Are you ready Miss Hana?" I look at him while rolling up my earphones "Yes I think so..."
"Okay then let's get off." I just give him a nod and open the passenger door, I had forgot my umbrella at home but I didn't really mind cause I love the rain. I then look up to see my surroundings, WOW! I noticed a big scary looking looked dark and mysterious. I could swear I saw someone in the window but just shook it off. Karuma then hands me my luggage and wishes me off, I was about to take a step until I remember my father say that Karuma had to tell the folks something. I go to turn around to tell Karuma but when I looked, the car was gone, which should be strange cause I didn't hear the engine go on. I walk slowly up to the doorway of the big ass house I'm going to be living in for a while. Okay Doku, you got this, just knock on the door and greet them politely. I reach to knock but stop myself when a door bell catches my eye. I take a deep breath and then press on the small golden button. A loud jingle echoes throughout the house and startles me a bit. There's no response for a while until the sound of lots of locks being fidgeted with and a loud creaking of the large door. I expect to see a woman or at least a girl, but no, standing there was a tall good-looking boy with glasses and blackish silver hair. He looks me up and down before adjusting his glasses.
"We were expecting you, Doku Hana, please, enter." he gestures his hands for me to go in and the whole house is illuminated with beautiful chandeliers. I was so interested in this was beautiful, there was a marvelous staircase with a red carpet. The stairs went two ways which created a circle shape, as I was walking and admiring I noticed a very attractive blue haired boy on a small couch sleeping. I just stared at him and didn't notice that the blackish silver haired boy stopped and turned I ran straight into him. We both ended up on the floor I was on top of him, I was stunned. I heard a voice then say
"Damn Akuma trying to hit it already aren't you!" Then heard a laugh. My cheeks were flamed with red as I quickly climbed off of him and regained my balance.
"I'm sorry please forgive my clumsiness." I say.
He got up after me and re-adjusted his glasses.
"Please, I would never consider doing that. Especially not with this one." Those words stung deeply, it's not like I find myself to be the most attractive but he didn't have to be that harsh about it.
"Who is this chick anyway? Is she the one that Jurino sent to live with us?". I turn to see the boy that was sleeping on the couch earlier standing behind me, how can he be awake that fast?
"Yes as a matter of fact she is, so please make her feel at least a little bit welcome." the blackish silver haired boy replies.
"Oh where are my manners? My name is Akuma, Akuma Monori, and this is Runo." he holds out his hand for me to shake it and I do nervously.
"Yea and don't make too much noise, we don't need an annoying ass girl to wake up Nazo, he gets into a pissy mood when his sleep is disturbed." I give him a puzzled look and glance towards the couch to see the sleeping boy from before and back to Runo. Wait, are they--
"And if you're wondering, yes we are twins." My thoughts are interrupted by his mocking voice. His smirk turns into a chuckle.
"Man are you really that stupid?". I then looked at Runo with a mean look
"No I just didn't know, but you didn't have to be such a dick about it!" I guess he was shocked that I stood up for myself cause his eyes were wide open, he then chuckled and sarcastically said "Awww look the little Slut is sticking up for herself!" Wait...did he just call me a slut? Oh hell nah! "Excuse me?! You have no right to call me such a name!"
I was pissed off at him and his chicken shit remarks! I then hear a voice speak up.
"Can you guys shut the hell up, I'm trying to read and your guy's bitching is distracting me."
I look to where the voice is coming from and see a white silver haired boy with grayish eyes with a book in his hand. He then looks at Runo then to me and stops and stares at me for a while, then looks towards Akuma.
"Akuma who is this annoying ass girl?" Akuma looks at him and replies.
"Well she's standing right here why don't you ask her?" I could tell the boy was annoyed but still opened his mouth "Okey then." He then looks at me.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"My name is Doku Hana thank you very much." I say smartly.
"Oh, okay Doku Hana. Would you mind shutting your trap for a few moments, kind of trying to read here".
"Well, the house is big enough so how about instead of complaining about it, you go somewhere else!" I fire back.
"I--I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that".
He slams his book shut and walks up to me and is now a few inches from my face.
"Look here you little pest, you either learn how to talk to me correctly, or we send you back to whatever shithole you came from! It's not our fucking fault your mother died so we shouldn't have to suffer with your bullshit!". He is practically screaming now. Tears begin to form in my eyes and I slip past him and out the front door into the cool air.
"You didn't have to talk to her like that Anzonee, it was completely out of line, even for you". I hear Akuma say as I close the door behind me, followed by some scattered whispers from the rest of the brothers.
I take a walk around the place and find a garden in the distance. It's really beautiful, they have almost any plant you could imagine. The moon is full tonight and a few howls of wolves can be heard which gives me the chills. All of a sudden I hear a rustling sound in the bushes. You see if this was morning I would expect to see a bunny or something, but no, it's almost midnight and when it's around that time, all the worst case scenarios come to mind. The rustling gets louder and I start to run until I'm out of breath. I think it stopped.
"Whatcha doin?"
"Ahhhh!". I let out a blood curdling scream and turn to see a silhouette of a boy, he had light blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
"Wha--what are you do--".
"Shh, don't say anything, you talk too damn much." he puts his hand around my mouth to muffle my screams. I nod my head so he could let go. He takes his hand off and tilts his head to the side. He then walks around me as if he were analyzing me.
"Who are you? And why are you in my garden of solitude and awesomeness?". He begins to poke my cheek and I slap his hand away.
"Stop that!". I say. He throws his head back in laughter.
"I'm Sukuru Monori, and I am not a serial killer". He salutes himself and then bows before me. What the hell is wrong with him?  He then starts pulling at my hair and smelling it.
Oh boy, this is going to be a long night...

It's chapter was mostly written by Mythicalcreations04 ❤️

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