Chapter two

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Kids ... That what I see from the narrow opining of the door .. Kids playing music .. I can say that they are about 10 or 11 years old .. How can they make it ?? They are young to play such perfect music ..someone must teach them .

Yes .. Her she is . The teacher . I know her because she is the oldest in the room . She is playing on a piano in the far place of the room . I can't see her face . Her back facing me . But I can say she is young lady . Because of the big tall black braid that reach to the middle of her back .. She looks thin too . How could she teach the kids such amazing music ?

I don't know for how long I'm standing here listening to them , but I get interrupt by the school bill . And the music stop . I stand up straight and look around . No one is here though .

"Okay kids ." Says the teacher inside " that was amazing , but we still need more practice . Be careful on your way out . See you next time ."

Her voice is quite and calm , makes me more eager to see her .

I take a step back as the door wide open and the kids start walking outside . Some of the parents come tell here to take their son or daughter out . I can hear the kids saying goodbye to their teacher before leaving .

" Bye miss Spencer ."

"Goodbye Carl . "

So that's her name ,miss Spencer . I watch the kids leaving the room . They look so lovely and innocent . I know they are special needing kids , but I can't feel that at all . Well , until one of them take a long stick and begin to wave it slowly in front of him , to show him the way . Now I'm more impressive .

After everyone in the room leave , the crowded corridor become more empty by the time . When I start to hear it again . Beautiful music , not the same as the last one . It's more quite and nice , playing on a piano , just a piano .

This time I will enter the room and listen more , may be see her this time .

She isn't even notice that I'm standing right here.. She looks to be in another world , far away from here , and I go with her .

I see a garden , the green color of the grass extend over sight , meeting with the orange color of the sky while the sun set . Birds singing and fly in sync circles around me . No one around except me and her . And the piano . I still can't see her face , but I feel the beauty around me .

"Shit!" I wake from my imagination on her voice . "I missed the tone again . Damn it .Focus girl ." She say slapping her head with her right hand .

I find the dare to talk , finally .

"It wasn't that bad ." She turn around in surprise . I think she didn't expect that there's someone around listening to her . She look directly to me in shock , and all what I can do is to contemplate her .

Like I thought before , she is young , middle twentieth, thin , quite tall .

She has a very cute face , beautiful quite features . Amazing eye color . It's somewhere between grey and green , matching perfectly with her tall black hair that in a braid behind her back and her skin , she is not white , not fair . I can say for sure she raised up in a place on the beach . I had a friend in the college with the same skin color , and he raised in Miami .

She is not hot , not sexy . She is simply beautiful , really beautiful .

" I'm sorry , Who are you ?" She say admiring me .

"Oh yes , I'm uh . I'm Aaron , hey , I just got lost and was guid here by the sound of your music . I'm sorry . I didn't mean to interrupt or intrudes ".

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