8) Shawn Mendes (pt.1)

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Imagine: Sleepover with Shawn

*A/N- SO I tried to upload yesterday, but my internet turned off earlier than I expected…Sorry! I’ll do another one today anyway!*


My parents are leaving for the next week since it was Spring Break. They said I could have a friend over, so I invited my best friend Shawn. He’s been my best friend for who knows how long. Both of our parents’ trust us enough to leave us, two teenagers, home alone. His parents agreed to let him stay with me the week, because they know I’d be lonely.

He was just getting here, as my parents left, with a suitcase in hand, he walked into my house. He lived about a 20 minute drive from me, so I basically made sure he had everything he would need to the next week, because we didn’t have a car.

My parents left, leaving us alone. “So…what do you want to do?” I asked him. It was 8pm so we couldn’t do much now, since it was a Sunday and closed early. All we could really do was sleep or watch Netflix.

“I don’t know Y/N…we could watch movies like we always do?” He said back, looking at me. I always thought he was cute, but I had a boyfriend, and that would be just wrong.

“Sure…what movie?” He shrugged and I said, “How about a scary movie?” I knew he loved scary movies. And I was a bit of a fan too. I wasn’t scared of movies very easily.

“Yeah! Sure, I’ll pick. You go get snacks and blankets.” He said. I nodded, and skipped off into the kitchen to pop a bag of popcorn. I decided to race against the microwave to see if I could get everything ready before it was finished. I mean, don’t we all do that?

I ran up the stairs, to the linen closet and grabbed as many blanket as I could carry, throwing them down the stairs. I then went in to my room and grabbed pillows.

I carried them all down the stairs, grabbing the blankets on the way. I laid them all down on the floor in front of the TV, with all the pillows too. I ran back into the kitchen, and felt defeat. I didn’t beat the microwave. Damn it. Next time I guess.


After the movie, we decided to go to bed. We brought all the blankets up the stairs and made a bed on a cot for Shawn. He was used to sleeping on it, as he does whenever he spends the night.

“Well, I’m gonna go to the bathroom to get changed. Be decent when I get back so I can come in and go to sleep.” I told him, grabbing one of his old shirts that he left last time he was here, and a pair of short yoga shorts.

I went into the bathroom, changed and took off all of my days’ makeup. I brushed my hair and put it into a messy bun on the top of my head. The shirt I was wearing went down to just above my knees, making it look like I had no pants on.

I walked back to my door and knocked. I heard Shawn’s voice telling me to come in and so I did. He sat there shirtless…like he always slept.

“Hey Y/N…where are your pants?” He asked looking me up and down.

“Shawn, you know I’m wearing shorts.” I answered him playfully.

We joked around for a bit before I was too tired to keep my eyes open.

“Y/N…can I sleep up there with you? This cot is not comfortable.” He said as I opened my eyes to see a slight smirk on his face.

“Shawn…” I sighed and he got up and climbed in with me. I started to doze off again, and slowly felt him getting closer and wrapping his arm around my waist. Too tired to realize what was actually happening, I just let it happen. He rested his head on my shoulder and I felt sleep take over my body and I drifted off into a heavy, dreamless sleep.



We woke up in the exact position as last night. I was happy about this, but I didn’t truly know how Y/N felt. All of a sudden, I heard Y/N’s phone go off. It was a text from Jake, Y/N’s boyfriend, saying that he would be here in 15 minutes. I always knew he had a key to her house, but never expected him to come so early. I untangled my arms from her and she groaned softly.

“Y/N…Jake’s gonna be here in 10. Put some clothes on.” I shook her slightly, trying to wake her up. However, the moment I said Jake’s name, she freaked.

I rolled her over, and before she could say anything, I kissed her softly. On the lips. I knew I would regret it later, but she looked absolutely beautiful…even when she just woke up. There weird thing is. She kissed back.

So…I hope you liked it! Part 2 coming later today!!!

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