Chapter 1 - The party

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The music boomed through the apartment, some tacky russ-songs from last year. Clearly the host didnt have a very innoative taste in music...Not that Isak was expecting that either. Nothing about the party really caught Isak's eye, it was a tacky school party and the music was more noise than art. It was a common, displeasing, rather boring party. He was actually hoping some neighbour would complain and the police would stop it.

Isak walked back into the kitchen to catch a drink, He chugged it down straight away. Isak was starting to feel rather dizzy and he didnt really care about the poor atmosphere of the party anymore. He walked over to the dancefloor and watched a couple of students from the year above him kick it off. The music stops for a second before the next song booms over the stereo once again. The crowd cheers loudly and for a second Isak allow himself to cheer with them. ''Didn't know you were that type'' A voice says from behind him. Isak immeadeatly stops cheering, ''what?'' he laughs as he turns around. In front of him stood a tall boy, probably two years above him. With a blonde quiff standing up so effortlessly. ''You dont really seem the type, you know for these kinds of parties'' His voice was deep and somewhat soft. Isak shook his head in confusion, ''Have we met before?'' The boy smirked ''Only in my dreams.'' Isak couldnt help but laught. ''Im Even'' The boy reached out his right hand and Isak shook it. He had a firm handshake and he kept eyecontact the whole time. Isak suddenly felt wide awake and the sudden dizzyness dissapeared as soon a arrived ''My name's isak'' he mumbled. ''Isak'' Even repeated, like he was tasting the name in his mouth, ''nice to meet you Isak, mind joining me outside? this kind of party isnt really my cup of tea'' '

Isak and Even sat outside on a bench for what felt like hours. Chatting about everything and nothing. Isak noticed Even's interest in tragic love stories, especially when he exclaimed the lead has to die, or it wont be a good story. Also in the nomerous Romeo and Juliet quotes he slipped in every time he could. Isak lights another joint and looks at Even ''You're 18 right?'' Even hestitates for a second but nods ''Yeah, pass the lighter'' he lights up another joint and slowly breathes out the smoke. ''Even..'' Isak begins ''How did you know this party wasn't really my cup of tea?'' Even smirks ''well, not to be creepy or anything, but i've been checking you out.'' ''What?'' isak laughs, ''so like you know where i live?'' Even laughs ''No No No, Not like that.'' Isak breathes out, ''so like what then?'' Even takes a long breath of his joint and leanes toward Isak ''What time is it?'' Isak shakes his head in confusion ''its 21:21'' Even laughs. ''come with me'' Isak hestitates but join. 

''Where are we?'' Isak mumbles. ''Quiet'' Even demands, allowing his finger to softly touch Isak's lips.  They stood infront of a house with glass walls and looked right into a king sized pool. ''At my aunts house, they're gone for the weekend'' Even finally answered ''wanna go for a swim?'' 

Even jumped right in leaving Isak standing by the poolside. ''Come on!'' Even shouted ''are you afraid of fucking up your hair?'' he laughed. Seeing Even laugh gave Isak a warm feeling, like he had done something right, he wanted more of that feeling. He jumped in and immedeatly felt shivering cold. ''This water is freezing!'' Isak shouted. Even laughed. Hearing Evens laugh again made Isak warm on the inside, the water wasnt really a problem anymore, he felt warm. 

''Lets play a game!'' Even shouted leaning closer towards Isak, ''the one who can hold his breath the longest under water wins'' Isak nods ''easy match'' Even counts down from 3 with his finger, and they both go under. Isak slowly opens his eyes and stares right into Even's. Suddenly he feels Even's lips on his own. Isak quickly went up for more air, breaking the kiss. ''I won.'' Even said second later. ''No, thats cheating'' Isak said, ''I want revenge'' Isak leaned in and softly kissed Even.Evens lips felt soft upon his, feeling Evens hands in his soaked hair. Careful at first then more intense. Isak felt an indescribable feeling go through his body with every stroke of s tongue. Isak felt his heatbeat racing as Even kissed his neck; softly covering every part of his body.

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