Part 10

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Ok I hope you are loving this story. How is everyone's summer going? As always like and comment. Ok enjoy.
Kylie pov:
I try and open my eyes, but I'm greeted with darkness. I try and stand but I feel chains on my wrists. I pull on them but they must have injected me with more wolves bane because I can't hear Lola (my wolf) and I feel very weak.

A door cracks open and I'm momentarily blinded by the light outside of the dark. I look at who's in the door way and I see Jake. I growl. "Feisty I see." Jake says. "Why am I here?" I growl out.

He chuckles and says "Because we are mates." I laugh. He looks at me shocked. "Why are you laughing it's true." I stop laughing and look at him. "No, I am Seth's mate." He growls loudly. "No you are mine!" "And you will stay here until you realize that."

He stormed out of the room. I prayed to the moon goddess that Seth would get here soon. Someone opened the door and came in with a shout. "Hey what are you doing." I ask scared. He just walks over and sticks the needle in my neck. I try and fight but I'm suddenly very tired. I let myself drift off into sleep.
Seth pov:
I shift back into human form grabbing the two rabbits to kill. I hear Kylie's howl and smile to myself. God I can't believe I was blessed with such a beautiful mate.

I walk to the cabin and wait for Kylie and the others to come back. I busy myself by skinning the rabbits I caught. I suddenly feel like half of my body was cut off.

Kylie. She must be in trouble. I try and mind link her but it's like there is a wall in the way. I mind link the other guys and ask them if they can contact Kylie. They all respond no. "Ok everyone come back to the cabin we need to figure out where Kylie is." I mind link.

About thirty minutes later everyone is back. "Maybe they are keeping her hostage to try and get her to tell them where the flag is." Ben says. "Maybe but that would be really bad because they can hurt her if they want." I say.

Everyone nods their heads with their eyes down. I growl under my breath. My poor mate all alone. I shake those thoughts out of my head. No she is strong she will get through this. I try and tell myself.

"Ok Matt, Philip, and Zack did you find the other teams base?" They nodded their heads and Matt said "We should launch an attack and see if she's in there." I nodded my head and was about to turn around when Ben said "Wait we can't all go that's what they want." "They want us to all leave and then they will come get the flag."

"Smart thinking, ok Philip, Ben, Carl, and Zack stay behind and watch the flag." "The rest of you bring your packs with a change of cloths and some food." Everyone nodded their heads.

I was a little surprised that no one thought that we shouldn't rescue Kylie. Then I thought about it and realized how much everyone liked Kylie. She was always helping you when you needed it and she was really nice and funny. I don't know how I got so lucky with my mate and I was happy that she is the way she is.

I shifted into my wolf and started to run. Matt was in front leading the way with me close behind. We went at a fast pace because we all wanted to get Kylie back. Matt started to slow down so I knew we had to be close.

The red teams cabin came into view. I held up my hand in a stop motion. "Ok Matt you and Garth look around for the flag." "I'll look in the basement for Kylie." "Everyone else run in and attack." I mind linked. Everyone nodded.

I made a go motion and everyone took off. We all cried out and burst through the door. There were four people around the kitchen and someone near the basement door. I saw the guys starting to attack so I ran over to the guy guarding the basement. I punched him square in the jaw. He tried to land a punch on me but I just blocked it and hit him in the face again.

I grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall. I did it with enough force to knock him out and not kill him. I kicked the basement door open and ran in. I saw Kylie chained up to a wall with Jake hovering near her. He had a knife in his had and I saw Kylie was bleeding out of her arms and stomach.

I ran over and was about to punch Jake when he said "Touch me and your precious mate dies." I froze instantly. Jake gave a soft chuckle and said "Gosh I'm glad I don't have a mate, to much work." I growled "What do you want with her." I ground out between clinched teeth.

I looked at Kylie to see her pleading eyes on me. All I wanted to do was run over to her and hug her but with Jake and his knife at her throat I couldn't. "I want you to give up your flag and territory." "When you become alpha I want to you give me half your territory." I shook my head no. "You can't have my territory." "Fine then your perfect little mate will die."

He was about to slice Kylie throat when she suddenly kneed him in between his legs. I winced at the sight. Jake doubled over in pain. I grabbed the keys off a hook and unlocked Kylie.

She fell into my arms. "Stay awake baby, don't go to sleep till we get you a doctor." She was losing a lot of blood fast. "Come on you have to stay awake." I said running up stairs.

I saw my team had tied up everyone else. "We need to get a doctor fast." Everyone looked at Kylie with worried eyes. "Garth mind link the David and tell him Kylie's needs medical help." I saw his eyes glaze over and I knew he was talking to him.

"Seth, if I...die." Kylie started to whimper out. "No you won't die I won't let you." I said letting a couple tears slip out. "Shh let me finish if I die just know...that I'll always love you." She closed her eyes. "No Kylie please wake up I love you please stay awake."
I know you probably hate me. At least they said I love you. If I get 7 comments I'll post the next chapter today. Please like and comment.

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