Telling The Truth To Franklin

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     Michael's point of view
   Michael and Franklin were still in the car."Franklin,can I tell you something?"Michael asked him."Sure dog,what is it?" "I...I'm a wolf..."he said.Michael's hearing was increased so,he could hear things better.
     He could hear that Franklin's heart was beating fast,like he was afraid.Michael had a sad look on his face,he was worried."F-Franklin...?" Then,Franklin shot him in the heart and head.
   Franklin's point of view
   Franklin saw that Michael was having a nightmare.He quickly stoped the car and shaked  him awake."Michael!Man,wake up!"Franklin said.Michael woke up with a few tears in his eyes.Franklin had a worried look on his face and he had a hand on Michael's shoulder.
      "It's okay..."he said.Michael looked at him.Franklin noticed that Michael had golden eyes."Michael...your eyes..."
Michael quickly looked down after Franklin said that.
    Franklin could hear Michael saying something to himself.
      Michael's point of view
   "Calm down...calm down..."Michael quietly said to himself.He didn't want to turn into a wolf and kill Franklin.His eyes turned back to normal and he looked back at Franklin."What was that?"Franklin asked.Should he tell Franklin the truth?     
    Franklin killed him the nightmare,Franklin would never do that."Franklin if I tell you something,will you promise to keep it a secret?"Michael asked."Of course,I promised."Franklin said to him."And don't kill me..."he said.Franklin just laughed a little bit"I won't."
    Michael smiles and relaxes a little bit more."I...I'm a wolf..." Michael looked down at the ground of the car.
   Franklin's point of view
    Franklin just smiled,"Well,that's unique.Did you really think that I was gonna kill you just because you are different?" Michael looks up at him and slowly nods his head."Michael,you're my friend.So,you being a wolf or anything else wouldn't matter to me."he said.Michael smiles more."Thank you."Michael said.
      Franklin nods his head.They hugged for a few seconds and then,Franklin starts the car again.They go to his house and stops the car.Franklin and Michael go inside the house.Michael sits on the couch and Franklin walks somewhere else.

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