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Kwon Hyuk wakes up to a delicious aroma lingering in the air. He sits up on the couch and clutches his blanket close to him."Oh, Hyuk, you're awake!" Min Young says cheerfully,"I made breakfast." He gets off the couch, stretching his arms out. He smirks slightly when he's met with the girl who's barely dressed. She has an oversized shirt on which barely reaches mid-thigh.

"Is that my shirt?" He asks, a smirk still evident on his face. "Yeah, sorry I didn't ask," She says,"I just don't feel comfortable wearing your ex's clothes." He quickly nods in response and grabs a cup of coffee

Hyuk groans when there's a knock at the door. He trudges over to open the door, bringing the cup up to his lips.

"Hi, Kwon Hyuk!" The all-too-familiar female greeted. Her smile was obviously fake, it didn't reach her eyes. He sipped his coffee and stared at the girl blankly.

"Soojin, what are you doing here?" He asks nonchalantly. Her fake smile falls slightly and a scowl soon etches onto her face."I came to get my stuff—"

Min Young saunters into the living room, cocking her head to the side to get a glimpse of the person at the door."Oh... Hyuk, I see you've replaced me already!"

Min Young's eyebrows furrow and she soon realizes who Soojin is."Um, Soojin?"

Soojin ignores her and turns back to Hyuk."I fucking knew it," She points her perfectly painted red fingernail at him,"I knew you were cheating on me!"

Hyuk is caught off guard as the coffee cup shakes in his hand. He's frozen, he feels like his lips are sealed shut.

"Soojin, I advise you to leave,"Min Young says, standing next to Hyuk,"Or I swear, I'll call the police."

"I'll tell someone to come get my things." She replied and turned on her heel, slamming the door shut. Hyuk winces slightly and looks over at Min Young who plopped down on the couch with a huff.

"Your ex is a crazy bitch. What did you even see in her?"

a/n; hey guys, im really sick and shit so sorry if this chapter was short and crappy. I might not update for a while because i have exams soon so... thanks for reading 😘

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