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i got tagged by Saturn_Terry  so lets go weeeeeee

1. Who do you want to be?

I want to be a role model.

2. What am I wearing right now?

A pink shirt and some shorts. pls dont stalk me

3. My last night out in detail.

Went to the movies with my mom... I don't really go out with my friends. We get ice cream afterwards, and besides, my mom is basically my best friend.

4. The first thing I thought this morning?

"What the fuck? It's already 8?"

5. One on Youtube you would throw off a cliff, one you would marry, and one you would fuck?

Throw joeysworldtour off a cliff, hands down. Wouldn't marry or fuck anyone on youtube, sorry.

6. Have you wished upon a star?

Yes. Can't tell or else it won't come true. (;

7. My longest relationship with someone and with who?

Sebastian, for a day. It was second grade, k.

8. What did my last text say?


9. What kind of person attracts you?

One who cares for everyone, even if it's hard to tell if they do or not. Y'know, softies :^)

10. Is it hard to make you laugh?

Not at all.

11. Do you act differently around the person you like?

Sort of. I'm shy and awkward around my semi-crush, but then again I do that with every stranger, so I guess not.

12. Does the last person you held hands with matter to you?

Definitely. I shook hands with one of the best teachers. I will miss her so much.

13. What is stopping you from the person you like?

He has a girlfriend now. No worries though, because he wasn't really my type anyway.

14. Who would you like to see right now?

my mom, heh

15. Are you missing someone?

My old friends who don't talk to me anymore or don't go online anymore.

16. What do you find attractive in boys?

Eyes and hair. Personality, too. Intelligence, if you can count that? I do not mind height.

17. Do you drink?

Fuck no. All I drink is water, and sometimes lemonade or milk.

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