Prats, the Lot of Them

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"Good luck," Scorpius murmured as he hugged his father goodbye.

"Merlin, don't tell me you think I actually need it."

Scorpius rolled his eyes. "Hardly. She'll say yes."

Draco gave a small smile as he focused his eyes on the curly-haired brunette witch trying to convince Potter that he couldn't just 'homeschool' his daughter Lily.

Scorpius smiled as he watched his father watch Professor Granger. "Don't forget to owl me after with the good news."

Draco nodded as he diverted his attention back to his son. He couldn't believe how much the boy had changed in the past year. He might have been a late bloomer, but Scorpius had certainly come into his inheritance of Malfoy arrogance since he had started dating Rose Weasley. "What are you smirking about?"

Scorpius shrugged. "I'm a Malfoy. We smirk."

Draco rolled his eyes. "If this is what I look like most of the time, it's a wonder I don't routinely get punched in the face."

Scorpius' smirk deepened. "I feel I have to point out that between the two of us, I was the one who noticed her first."

Draco scoffed. "Alright, you little twit. Am I going to have to tell you to behave yourself this year and not put the moves on your future stepmother?"

Scorpius raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. "No need to Hulk out, old man. I already have a girlfriend. Just couldn't resist taking the piss a bit and reminding you that I have superior taste in all things."

Draco rolled his eyes. "One: I don't know how to 'Hulk out' or even what that bloody-well means. Two: You hardly have better taste than me in all things. That tripe you and Albus listen to doesn't even qualify as music, much less good music."

Scorpius rolled his eyes. "'re old."

"What do I always say?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm lucky to have your genetics."

"I pulled that," he said, pointing to Hermione. "Which you tried and failed to do. So maybe remember that the next time you refer to me as 'old.'"

Scorpius rolled his eyes. "I'm getting on the bloody train now. Just enjoy your weekend away and don't come back without a fiancée."


Draco finally tore his eyes from the Hogwarts Express as it disappeared into the distance. He turned and smiled at the petite witch whose hand he was holding. "Are you all packed?"

"I am." Hermione held up the small beaded bag she always carried with her on trips. "Although you could have given me more information about where we are going."

"I told you. There's a beach. Just pack bikini bottoms."

She rolled her eyes. "Lech."

He smirked as he planted a kiss on her cheek. "Don't pretend for a second you don't like that about me."

She pursed her lips, holding back a grin. "I admit nothing."

He nipped along her jaw. "You can hardly blame me for wanting to keep my beautiful girlfriend naked as often as possible."

She giggled. "Oi. You two are revolting," Ron Weasley said, scowling at the pair. Though he had resigned himself to the fact that Hermione and Draco were an item, he still wasn't comfortable watching them flirt so openly with one another, which they seemed to do all the time.

An Indefinite Amount of Forever (A Harry Potter Fanfiction--Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now