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I changed what the girl looks like

Ella's pov.

Beep beep

I hear the familiar alarm and I push the snooze button and sit up, groaning softly as I look at the time. 6:30am. I just moved from my New York all the way to California just a week ago. Me and David just broke up a 5 year relationship because he's a deadbeat and cheated. I moved out here because I got promoted to head assistant for the actual boss of the company I work for since I'm really good at my job. My first day is today.

I step out my bed and rub my face as I grab two towels and walk into my bathroom. I turn on the hot shower and take my hair out of the pony tail it's in. I undress myself and sigh happily.

New beginnings

Once I finish my shower I go I apply some makeup. I then go over to my closet and start to look around. A dress? A skirt? A suit?  I end up picking out a green skirt and a white dress shirt with matching heels.

I grab my keys and notice the time. 7:45am. Shit. I haul ass to my car and start it quickly, instantly driving. Listening to music and jamming out. As I approach the street my jobs on I look around for it and then my mouth drops as I see the tall, big building across from me. Rodriquez & Co. written across the top in big letters. I park my car in a VIP spot with my name on it and gulp slightly. The building in New York was maybe a quarter of what this is. I grab my purse and head into he building. The white interior as beautiful as ever. I bite my lip and get into the elevator.

"Are you new?" A girl asks me and I nod. She sticks out her hand.

"I'm Elizabeth. I'm the front desk girl." She beams, her perfect white teeth coming to view. I smile.

"I'm Ella Winters." I say back and the elevator opens.

"Oh god! Your Oliver's new assistant right?" She asks enthusiastically and I nod. Oliver?

"Yes can you show me where he's at?" I ask politely and she nods, I just notice how short she is now. Probably 4'11 if that. Her dress clinging to all her curves, making her look amazing. I'm only 5'3 but 4'11 is really tiny.. she seems nice.

"Coming Ella Winters?" She asks and I nod quickly, following her onto floor 45. 45. This building has more then 45 floors. It's incredible. As we walk I see girls staring, along with men. I walk confidently with Elizabeth. She knocks on a big door at the end of the floor we just walked on.

"Oliver, the new girl Ella Winters is here." She says through the door.

"Come in." His deep voice booms through the door and I suddenly feel queasy. As she opens the door she smiles at me.

"Have a great first day." And she walks off. I walk in and shut the door and turn around, his back facing me. He stands at 6'5, maybe a tad shorter. I bite my lip and stay quiet. He's staring out the window, his office covered in them.

"Ella?" He asks and I nod as if he can see me.

"Y-yes." I stutter and bite my lip again. Get it together.
And then he turns around, I nearly gasp at his appearance. Long hair, piercing green eyes, big chest, muscles popping out of his suit. I lick my lips and just stare at him, he stares back and we stay there for a moment, just admiring eachother.

"Oliver." He sticks his hand out and I grab it, shaking it.


"Yes I know." I blush, obviously he knew.

"We don't have your office set up quiet yet so you'll be in here with me for a few weeks until we get that situated." He tells me and I nearly don't hear him, staring at his plump lips. I nod slowly and he points over to the desk in the corner of his giant room. I walk over and run my hand against the black marble wood. I see an Apple computer on top of it along with files and folders.

"You have training so you know what your doing. This shouldn't be difficult for you, which is why I promoted you. I need you to be clear on 100% of the things I ask or say. Are you following Ms.Winters?" He asks me and I nod as I turn back to look at him. He starts to walk towards me and I feel my heart rate pick up.

"I need a large black coffee every morning from our kitchen down on floor 17. That's the one with the best coffee machine. I need you to be here every single day at 8am sharp. I don't need tardiness, that's not in my agenda, Ms. Winters. I know you have never been late at my company in New York so I expect nothing less from you here. If anything I expect so much more." He pauses and I nod.

"Of coarse sir." I say back, nodding my head. And he nods firmly.

"I have many files for you to put in my computer, my last assistant was fired before he could do so. He wasn't fit for this job. Many problems and complications came with him and I don't need anything to render my work. Am I going to have any issues with you Ms.Winters? Any things that are going to come between me and my work?" He asks me two questions and I shake my head.

"Of coarse not-"

"That's what he said too." He towers over me now, looking down at me and I feel so.. small and vulnerable around him. I stand up tall, trying to gain some confidence around this incredible intelligent man.

"You will not have any problems with me. I am very professional sir, if anything I'll make your job easier." I state and he still has that same expression. His lips in a thin line. He just nods as I smile and he turns and walks to his desk.

"Good to hear, now get to work. I have some calls I have to make." He points at my desk and I immediately sit down in my comfy chair. I turn on the computer and put in my login. I bite my lip and instantly get to work. I glance over at Oliver and lick my lips. He has to be at least 32. Maybe 35. I'm only 19, I graduated Highschool when I was 16, due to the fact that I was above all my classmates academically. My parents thought it'd be a great idea to start my life earlier rather then later. I got the job at Rodriquez and Co when I was 17. I was going to go to college the next year but work was so busy and I just got super involved in being an assistant. They weren't suppose to hire me but they were desperate and I was the highest candidate going for the job. I get paid more then regular assistance because of the fact that this is one of the best companies in the world. I've been working for this business for two years now and have progressed highly. I am a very successful women, regardless of the fact that I didn't go to college. Just being an assistant has made me more money then I could've asked for.

I look over at the clock and it reads 6pm, I've been doing these files for literally 10 hours, there's so many. I sigh and rub my neck as I take a little break, taking a sip of my water. I start to type again and Oliver walks in.

"You can head home."

"I don't leave till 8-"

"Go home Ms.Winters." He says sternly and I nod. I shut down my computer and I feel his eyes on me, I bite my lip as I put on my jacket and I grab my purse.

"It was nice to meet you Oliv-"

"Mr.Rodriquez." He interjects and I nod.

"I'm sorry sir, Mr.Rodriquez. I'll see you tomorrow at 8am." I say before I almost run out the room.

New beginnings



I hope you guys enjoy this story like my other ones! Please vote & comment and let me know what you think I'm super excited for this story.

SCARLETT JOHANSSON IS THE MAIN CHARACTER PLAYING ELLA & Ill have to find someone that resembles Olivers sexy ass. ;))) I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

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