Silly Goose

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One day Goose tried to cook for Winston, While Winston watched. Goose would try to make a sandwich but he thought it meant Sand and toasted bread.

When Goose looked through the Fridge for eggs he would accidentally break them and drop a lot of things.
His owners would get mad but they couldn't beat the powers of cuteness.

Winston liked it when Goose acted silly. Sometimes Goose would try to bark like Winston. Winston and Goose were Best friends. People always stared when Winston and Goose played with eachother.

Goose taught Winston how to chase a mouse. When Goose found a mouse on his little bed he would pounce and let Winston know there's a mouse.

When Goose was 2 years old. One of the owners died of cancer. Every week Winston, Goose and the owner would visit the other owners grave. Goose was confused that day and so was Winston.

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