another question from Minetalia

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Minetalia : so have you tried eneyother food from another country?  and if so what was it ?

Liechtenstein : I've made a list of some of the foods I've tried and what I've thought of them :

England's scones : I threw up all night after eating them now I know what your gonna say "then why do you prefer them to cupcakes? "cos I like the shop bought scones

Swiss cheese : love it

wrust : love it (people from Liechtenstein speak German so I'm guessing she has tried it and I spent an hour on Wikipedia looking for food from Liechtenstein and as far as I know they eat German food)

rice balls : love it

Belgium chocolate:obviously I love it , who dosnt? 

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may your soul be with you and always serve your country-hetalia Liechtenstein

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