Her Hangover

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Hey guys, sorry the last chapter was long and boring... There was a lot of stuff covered in the chapter, hopefully this will be better....?

Her Hangover

Harry's POV


I wake up thinking about yesterday. What was said and done, everything.





Truth or dare,

Her kiss,

Our shouts,


Her tears,

The picture,


I can't believe any of it happened, why was I so stupid to bring her here, and not remember the picture? Why did I have to tell her that I wanted to be friends, bring back whatever it is we had. I liked her, liked, a lot. Not anymore though, but I- no.

I hear a loud screech, and hop out of bed, ready to see what happened. "Aria! What are you doing?!"

"Oh. My. Gosh. Finally! How long can you sleep? Seriously! I tried waking you up like fifty times! Banging pans, jumping on your bed, kicking you, screaming, dumping water on you, I even cut off one of your cu-"

"WHAT!" I yell, causing her to jump back, bumping into the counter behind her.


"You cut off one of my curls?"

"Well, yeah... I mean you can't really see where it was...." She explains.

"That doesn't matter. You cut off one of my curls. A curl, a famous curl."

"You could be famous one day, and we could sell it online for money." She insists.

"W- ya know, never mind. What are you doing anyways?"

"I made tea, and do you have any aspirin, my freaking head is killing me. So is my stomach, I might puke." I take a step back.

"Ew." She rolls her eyes.

"Would you like some tea?" I nod and she hands me a cup.

"I'll get you some medicine."

"Don't try to drug me Harry."

"What makes you think I would do that?" I ask.

"You're Harry Styles, of course you'd do that. I either imagine you famous, a cat man, a serial killer, or a drug and alcohol addict." She laughs.

"Really, and what if I grow up to be all of those, except for the cat one, why... Why would you even.."

"First of all, you're a player. Second of all, your favorite animal is a cat. So.." I narrow my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Really? We're going to this topic again?" She raises her arms up in the air.

"Hey, you asked, Harold."

"How come I'd be a cat man because I was a player?"

"You probably still will be, then everyone will see how you play, and won't want you anymore. Just how you are with us."


"Yeah, all the girls you've left... Broken hearted, and maybe even pregnant." She twiddles her thumbs.

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