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jeff.atkins: sleeping over again? 👅

alysonalyson, cheerstojess, kat00 and 6296 others

alysonalyson: fuck you

jeff.atkins: i know that you want to



"so did you know about the best and worst list?" i asked as i laid on his lap and his hands froze from fiddling with my hair like usual. "yeah..." he mumbled and i frowned. "and you didn't tell me?" i questioned, "i didn't want to upset you." he muttered.

"well, i'm upset!" i sat up and looked at him. "does this mean no sex tonight?" he asked and i huffed as i stood up and tugged the shirt down. i walked away from him and went to the kitchen but he followed me.

"baby, i didn't think that it would be this important." he sighed and grabbed my waist to turn me around. "it is important, jeff! it's an insult!" i exclaimed. "i'm sorry." he whispered and lifted me up, i wrapped arms around his neck and groaned. "this better not be for sex." i mumbled as he laid me down on the kitchen island.

i tugged the shirt down to cover my lacy black underwear as he had his eyes on my own but he saw and smirked. "are you embarrassed?" he asked and i shook my head quickly. "no...".

"oh baby girl..." he frowned down at me and placed his hand over my cheek. "jeff, please don't..." i pouted and he nodded. "you did it to me." he exclaimed.

"i just...i'm not worth it. ever since the..." i trailed off as tears grew to my eyes, i sat up and pulled my knees against my chest but he jumped up by my side and pulled me into his arms. "i feel disgusting. i just remember him every single time that i see myself in the mirror and i'm not worth it. i'm not pure and i'm not what you deserve, jeff and i'm never going to be what you deserve so yeah...i'm embarrassed." i finished as the tears were streaming down my face.

"don't. don't you dare say that, alyson. you are perfect, no matter what. i am the one that doesn't deserve you. i love you so fucking much and i hate myself everyday for not having been there, for not having kept you from going that night. i could have done so much and i didn't. i love you and all the bruises. i love everything about you! you are perfect, you are beautiful and i will cherish your beautiful body everyday of my life if i can." he whispered as he held me close to his chest.

"please don't leave..." i mumbled and buried my face in his shirt.

"i'm never leaving, alyson may jones. i will spend the rest of my life loving you and protecting you."

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