The fox was walking around one day and she was admiring the scenery when a wolf jumped out of the shadows. "Hello foxy. Whatcha up to?" He asked, getting all up into the Fox's face. "What are you doing?" The fox shot back. "Fiesty, aren't you?" He smirked, well, however a wolf smirks. "Back off wolf!" She snapped at the wolf. "HEY! That's no way to talk to your master." He exclaimed. "I am nobody's servant or slave." The fix said, turning away from the wolf and heading off. "Yes, you are mine." The wolf yelled at the back of the fox. The wolf came up to the fox and nipped her in the side. "If you don't come, there will be punishments." He gave her an evil glare but she just kept on walking. The wolf came up again and but her on the side, causing her to jump. "Get away from me!" The fox yelled.
After a while of the wolf biting and nipping the fox, she gave up and went with him to his den.
Months went by with the fox serving the wolf. The fox was getting tired of it and wanted her freedom back, so she found a poisonous plant and fed it to the wolf and a few days later, the wolf fell very ill and died. The fox went off and enjoyed her time of being free from the wrath of being the wolfs servant. She ended up getting a mate and having a litter of kits and having a great time and she died very happy, telling her daughter that she needed only to walk away when someone was being rude.
Learn to treat others as equals, not inferior just because of diversity.
Short Stories
Short StoryA bunch of random short stories and fables made by me, myself, and I.