|| Dandere ||

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While getting ready for my next class I stuff my books into my bag. Seeing a stray paper, I pull it out revealing an anonymous love letter. Heat rushed to the back of my neck while I read each heart warming word. If he wants me to meet him at the movies, then its a date.

When I finally reach the appointed destination that my anonymous lover wanted to meet, I worried a bit. Though it doesn't take long to find a somewhat short teen in front of the theater with a hood over his head. He stared blankly at nothing in particular as I approached him. Even as I stand in front of him, he doesn't seems to notice my presence at first.

"Hello?" I asked in a quiet voice. His body perked up at hearing my voice and flashes a smile. He shyly looks down, "O-oh! You came!" I smiled at his timid excitement, "Of course.. I desperately wanted to know who liked me so much as to write me a letter."

He turns in the wrong direction, "A-are you joking? I don't see how anyone couldn't like you." He said, muttering the last part. Confused, I wave my hand in front of his face. He didn't flinch. I came to a realization, "Are you.. blind?"

He tensed up at my words, fumbling with his fingers. "W-we don't need to continue! I just thought it was worth a try.." I immediately recognized who it was based off his little mannerisms and smiled, "Toshi?"

"Y-yeah... how'd you know it was me?" He looked down once more. I chuckled at his cute shyness. "I know you well from school. You're the only.. Sightless child in the school. You've been blind your whole life, right?" There was silence. I fidgeted with my fingers knowing I said something wrong. He just nods, "Well yeah. I just have to take specialized tests for my classes!"

I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me, "How'd you convince them to let you stay in a school that typically requires sight?" Toshihiro smiles brightly, "Same way I got you to go on a date with me. I'm very determined!"

I slid his hood off to reveal his pitch black hair and nearly white skin from lack of sun. My hand brushed his ear, causing him to look away. I wrapped my arms around his waist, embracing him in a warm hug. He tensed for a second, then hugged back. Once I pulled away, I convinced him to go a nearby fair since it wouldn't be right to watch a movie without him.

I offered my hand for him to hold, and with a profuse blush, he takes my hand gratefully and we make our way around the fair. I laugh the day away with him as his sightless eyes sparkle at me with every word I say. His cheeks redden brighter and brighter each time we touch.

After a few rounds of walking around eating cotton candy, to my surprise, Toshi instantly suggests to go on the ferris wheel with him. I smiled and pulled him to the ride, since everything we'd done thus far had been extremely fun.

All seemed to go well as we rose higher before the ferris wheel suddenly stopped working, with us at the top. A surge of fear runs through me, instantly grabbing hold of Toshi's hand. He smiled at me affectionately, "Calm down, the ride isn't broken. I just wanted to get to some place alone with you... This seemed like a pretty good idea to me." I stared at him in awe, not surprised by his doing, "When you said you were determined, you really weren't joking."

Toshi didn't say a word more and cupped my face. Upon feeling his fingertips touch my flushed cheeks, he reached up and planted a kiss on my lips, almost perfectly. I'd gone from flushed to near a peaceful death.

He turned away fumbling with his fingers. I turned him toward me and passionately kissed him, not believing what I'd done. His eyes fluttered, trying to process what just happened. He gave me a cheeky smile and pulled me closer to him. I squirmed in his slight grip getting flustered. "I love you." His simple words calmed me down, making my heart melt.

|| It's something I guess... It's a work in progress so goodbye~ ||

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