Prologue: Criminal

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Do you know the feeling of running but not getting anywhere?

See, I was sprinting through life without actually doing anything;

doing nothing that made me feel proud

 or like I had accomplished something.

This race through life I was taking had no meaning.


I was failing the single most greatest gift I could have possibly been given; life.

Life is a crazy concept

that I wish I had the intelligence to understand;

from the moment we are born to the last breaths we take, in some strange way,  impacts someone somehow, somewhere.

It is hard to think that choices we make could influence the lives of people we probably would never meet.

But I was here,

facing these people;

 the same people whose lives could have been so different if it had not been for me.

I guess that is why I am here.

I admit it to myself.

Maybe I would never understand the real beauty of life,

but I knew it was an insult for me to take away any chance of a life from these people.

I could never imagine doing something so utterly... criminal.


Dear readers, 

I know it is an insult for me to say I would not abandon this story and I would update. But if i'm being honest with you, I'm glad that I was a lazy git and did not; because had, this story would have taken a completely different route and quite honestly been childish. This year has given me the chance to mature as a person and a writer, and I think I will be doing this idea and you readers more justice. Having read the comments, I can see how frustrated it is for me to basically lie to you and give you bullshit excuses and I am extremely sorry. I guess sorry is not enough. I am working on chapter one as I write this note and I hope it pleases you :) 

Also, I am sorry in advance if you feel as though I have not done the Islamic faith justice. Not being a practising Muslim myself, I cannot say that the things I write will be 100% right. If this is the case, then feel free to correct me and I will check the matter. 

Thank you,

NYLibra xox

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