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After Criss's enraged rant and everyone hearing what Criss had to deal with in his mind 24/7...we all were amazed that he hasn't completely gone bonkers knowing that he was going to be the only survivor...Criss was even in a few tears...when I pulled him to me...and held him close to my heart...and told him not to wait for the tragedy to happen...and to live with me for the moment...then I looked at Ed and told him it was up to him what he wanted to do...but Criss and I were staying right here and sleeping for the night...Klayton jumped up and said he was with me...and helped me set up our bedrolls...after I got it set up...I playfully pulled Criss in with me...and snuggled up with him...to try to lighten his deep anxiety and depression he was in.

Klayton and Rachel did the same thing not far from us...Carrot-top and Abby set up their bed on the other side of Criss and I...and Sully made his camp on the other side of Klayton and Rachel...but Sandy couldn't lay down just yet...for she was trying to fathom what Criss said about all of them dying...and it was all her fault...for asking them to come with her...but Sully came up behind her and carried her to their pallet and told her not to wait for the terrible that was coming...for maybe just maybe...Criss would figure out a way to change it...if we all stuck together and believed in him...to lead us...instead of Ed and Lorraine. Dani lost any care she had about living or dying after she lost her husband Ashley...she stayed to herself in the corner and just lay there silently...hardly blinking at all...Leland and Siera were sound asleep already along the far wall away from all of us trying to be with each other until whatever end they might have.

Ed was sitting up by the now outted fire from the pit...and decided he wasn't going to wait any longer for his so-called demise...and he jumped up and grabbed his shit...and headed for the only exit...Lorraine grabbed her stuff and went to follow her husband...Criss told her not to follow him...or she'd meet the same death, she looked right at Criss and gave him a secure smile...and said she believed him...but if her husband was going...she was going with him. Criss quickly grabbed me and told me not to look...then he looked over at Klayton and gave him the signal...and he pulled Rachel very close to him and held onto her and blocked her from seeing where the door was...Carrot-top got the hint and buried his head under the covers and held onto Abby tightly...while wishing he was deaf right now.

Sully was already asleep...and dead to the world...but Sandy was looking right at them...trying to figure out why in the hell would they want to walk into their deaths needlessly...when Criss told them all they had to do was stay in the room and they would be safe...but they walked out the doors anyway...and right as they walked thru...the thick pane of glass fell down just like Criss said it would...and they didn't even get a chance to gasp before the pane of glass shattered all thru them...and they were mangled to pieces...blood and riveted flesh went everywhere...but luckily none of them had to witness it...all they had to do was walk passed it to get to the next room.

I looked up at Criss while his eyes were closed and decided for myself, that if I was going to die in this house...I didn't want to die without ever knowing what it would be like being with and loving Criss...I loved him and I wanted him to know it...plus I didn't really want to die a virgin...that would be so wrong, especially being my age...I knew if I told Criss that I was a virgin...I'd get a chuckle or two out of him...I was used to it...all my friends giggled with me at that little fact about me...but it wasn't because I was afraid of it...it was just that I never found a guy that was worth giving it too...until I found love at the worst possible time...with the one person I never thought would be imaginable to even like...but no...I was truly in love with Criss Angel...my big brother's best friend.

I slowly crawled closer to him...and looked up at him again...and gently kissed his soft and luscious lips...when the first kiss didn't give him the hint, I wrapped my arms around his neck...and continued to kiss him deeper and more passionately each time...until he got the idea...I slid my hands down the side of his neck...then down his muscular chest...and down to his abs...and rubbed gently back and forth feeling the ripples in his muscles...I got him to giggle a little bit when I moved beneath his belly button and unbuttoned his jeans...Criss got turned on and decided to join in...so we both could forget where we were just for a while.

Everyone else was sound asleep when we got heavily into each other...it was by far the greatest feeling I ever experienced...he really was magical with everything he did...he danced with me most of the night...until we were both too tired to move another inch...he playfully dropped on top of me...and covered me with tiny but sweet butterfly kisses everywhere he could reach...all I could do was give him a tiny smile...and hold onto him...until we both fell asleep in each other's arms...only Criss didn't sleep...he stayed awake and tried to think of a way to keep us alive...because his mind was already set...if and when I died...he was dying too...and the house and its evil shit could kiss his ass...the house didn't want him dead...it needed him to live...so the evil could convert him...and make him their living minion...and to bring more people to sacrifice to the hunger of the demon in the house.

Klayton was gently brushing the hair from Rachel's face...and was thinking how he could ever live with knowing he was going to loose her...he went to his necklace and pulled off his high school ring...that was way too small for him...and gently tapped on Rachel...she woke up in a slight panic thinking something bad was happening...but he calmed her quickly...and said he needed to tell her something...she looked up at him...while he placed his ring on her finger...then he asked her to marry him...Rachel was speechless as tears fell from her eyes...but she shook her head yes...as they kissed and she crawled into his arms so he could hold her for the rest of the night...then they both said how much they loved each other.

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