Chapter 9

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Sorry!!! Kill me later ok?

There is a land, a land in the sky known as a Sky Island. This Sky Island is located drifting in the North Blue. This Sky Island is a bit different then other Sky Island. Instead of a god or something, or somethings, to worship. They have kings and queens.

The kings and queens of this current time are known as the (l/n) family. Currently they have one 'king', queen and six children. But a miss-predicted accident happened. One who no one would have guessed.

There is an legend about the royal family. A legend of a betrayed brother.

Three children, who looked completely identical to each other, a girl and two boys where currently laughing as a older looking male, who almost looked like the two boys, was watching. When the children saw their older brother they ran to him happily.

It was rare to see him since he was always studying in the library in becoming the heir to the thrown one day.

"Brother, brother" they all yelled in unison, causing the older (l/n) to sweat drop at the hyper activeness of the triplet siblings. He opened his arms for a hug and in reply the triplets tackled him to the ground.

"Ouch. Man you guys are getting better at your tackles." (B/n) said with a awkward laugh while his younger siblings all laughed loudly knowing they have been training with the palace guards. Even the girl.

The betrayed brother is scheduled to happen every 100 years in the royal family. What no one knew was that there was a miss count in the years. And it happened after the six children where born.

"Captain what are we to do?" (B/f/n) asked as everyone was gathered together for a meeting. Everyone was divided in to groups on what to do. One group thought it was best to wait awhile before going to the New World, the other thought it would be better to get a head start. Therefore they consulted their captain. You.

"I say we wait a little bit." (Y/n) replied as she sighed, resting your chin on the palms of your hands.

"What for captain?" A woman on the side of going to the New World as quick as possible asked her captain for her reasoning.

"It's quiet simple really. I'm part of the Worst Generation. If we where to go there now the marines would likely be there waiting for us. Not to mention I wanna have an alliance with Straw Hat Luffy." You replied getting up to get (your favorite drink). "He won't be going to the New World for two years for might as well try to get stronger." You added taking a sip of your drink.

"What makes you say that?" Nick asked eyeing you as you put your cup down.

"The paper. He went back after Trafalgar saved his life. He went there to pay his respects for his brother, the old man, and for the other people who gave their lives to Ace." (Y/n) replied as you put down the newspaper on the table. On the front page you could see Luffy with his hat to his chest and bandages all around his wounds. "If you look at his arms they say 'X3D2Y' with the 3D crossed out."

"Meaning?" (B/f/n) asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This is only a theory. During when Straw Hat broke into Impel Down and when the War of the Best was happening. It never mentioned any other crew members of the Straw Hats but Luffy. So I'm assuming they weren't as lucky getting way." You replied thinking.

"So captain your saying that they all got captured. I mean judging by what you told us what happened in the slave for sell place. He would do anything for his crew." A blonde haired female asked a little unsure if she was right or not in the subject.
(I'm just going to start giving them names. You got 15 people on your crew)

"Haruhi, you are both wrong and right." You answered causing the blonde to pout a bit.

"Straw Hat would try and rescue his friends, but I believe that they where all separated from each other when they where trying to flee. And since he lost his brother he probably felt he was too weak to protect his friends so he decided to wait two years for them all to get stronger." You said with a bright smile. "But then again I could be absolutely wrong." You laughed to yourself causing some of your crew to sweat drop and most of them to just leave and continue on with their work.

"So we're staying (y/n)?" Asked Nick as he put his paw on your leg.

"Only for a bit, there is no such thing as too much experience." You replied light heartedly.

"Captain! There is a yellow submarine 2 o'clock from us. We suspect them to be enemy. Their flying a pirate flag. We believe them to be the Heart Pirates." Yelled a gingered haired girl known to be called Laila.

Ok so, I have no idea how I can continue this. Can some one please give me an idea? Thanks.

Sorry it's so late.

See ya next time!!

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