Trying not to fangirl

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Your POV

OMG OMG OMG I'm am the new backup dancer for Ukiss and I'll be staying on their tour bus while dancing with them on stage how awesome is that.

This is all better than I could have hoped for I just can't even contain my happiness I go outside and scream and giggled just so I could cool down. But who wouldn't be excited as me in this kind of situation especially when you a kissme.

I walk into the room to see all of them looking at me hehe maybe I should have squealed instead of scream.

The guys show me where I'll be sleeping when we're on the road this is all amazing but what I wonder is why does Kiseop keep looking at me.

I mean i'm not complaining he is pretty good looking but my boyfriend Blake is holding me back if not I would have flirted with Kiseop by now.

The boys are going to be like my six adopted korean older brother's.

Once all that boring stuff is done we decided to play hide a seek 'cause we were all boring out our minds

Do know how hard it is to hide in those little bunk bed thingy's when all you have hide yourself is that little curtain thing.

"Eli ,Kevin ,Kiseop ,(y/n) ,Hoon where are you come out come out where ever you are"

Jenjang Soohyun has found me already he is really good at this and i'm not sure if all the other bunks curtains are closed.

"I found you!"

"AHHHH Soohyun put me down or i'll kick you wher-"

"Ya ya I get it okay now let go find everyone else"

"Fine but I won't give away where they are"

"Ya ya come on lets go"'

After about a half hour of searching we found Eli, Hoon, and Kevin the only person that left is Kiseop. We looked everywhere for him and nothing its like he somehow fell off the face of the earth and is somehow ok. I was done looking for him so I gave next thing I knew I felt two hands on my hips. My parents showed me self defense so the first thing I did was turn around and kick then twist their arm behind their back. Little did I know it was Kiseop O_O so there he lay on the floor groaning in pain 'cause I hit him where you are not suppose to hit him.

"Oh My Goodness Kiseop jeongmal mianhea I didn't know it was you"

"Its okay my fault for trying to scare you hehe ow"

"Here let me help you up"

"No no no i'm fine you know I get kicked from time to time I'm use to it don't worry about"

I was going to help when Kevin came in I'm guessing still looking for Kiseop when he found Kiseop holding his crotch in pain and me standing of to the side with my hands on my face. First thing Kevin did was yell he found Kiseop then ask me what happened to him I told him I kick Kiseop in his crotch he started laughing his ass off I punched him in the shoulder causing him to fall back and clutch his arm


"Sorry Kevin but I am not a normal girl I grew up with a sergeant in the military for a dad and a combat teacher for a mom and I love them both"

Kevin and Kiseop looked at me in amazment then I heard a sound from the hallway.

"Soohyun, Hoon, and Eli it's not nice to eavesdrop on a conversation esspecialliy when its a sergeant's daughter's conversation"

I walked outside pulled each of their ears and made them say sorry.We went back to where we first met they wanted to know more about so I told them everything in my life what is was like not having a dad around all time, all the bullying I went through, How I got addicted to Ukiss, and see my dad surpirse me on high school graduation day. When I was done they looked sad and happy for me that warmed my heart it truly did not many people paid attetion to me and listened to my conversation other that my only friend Lee (That's a girl's name) and my mom. I was going to tell them about my boyfriend when my phone rang ,speak of the devil it was Blake my boyfriend I excused myself and answered the phone

"Hey blake"

"What's up babe how did it go"

"You won't believe Blake that Korean Band I like called Ukiss I'm their back up dancer how awesome is that"

"Pretty awesome but.."

"Aww but what babe"

"They better not get in the way of OUR relashonship okay I don't want us break-up"

"Now Blake you know me I would never in a million years don't worry their like brothers to me"

"Well alright then I gotta go bye baby love you."

"Love you too Blake bye"






Well that was a another chapter sorry for it taking such a long time to update but i'm back and ready to start the thrid chapter i'll try and finish it as fast as I can okay BYE <3

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