aaroncarpenter, nashgrier, piper.g and 6.9K others liked this post
@liamariejohnson: he literally came to my house and dragged me to the mall so he could buy new outfits (for himself) and tell me i looked cute in a panda onesie what an idiot 😂
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@aaronsbabe: he's such an adorable bean i cant.
@lialove: oH yEs tHe cArPeNtEr fAm iS hErE! HeLLo!
@carpentercarpet: @lialove oH hElLO fReN
@aaroncarpenter: you really think i'm an idiot 😥
@liamariejohnson: @aaroncarpenter only sometimes. x
@dallasfam: @lialove do we ship or nah?
@lialove: @dallasfam we ship.
@dallasfam: WE SHIPPPP! #laaron
@nashgrier: where was my invite? 😩