The Gate

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So here I am in front of the Golden Gates beyond the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess someone among those who claimed to have experience what's beyond really did get here and came back somehow.

Everything is just as they said. You can't see anything beyond the gates it's just all white and there is a low mist all around you. The gates are well just gates, there is no wall connected to it, just two stone pillars and a 10 foot tall golden gate in between. It has an intricate floral/vine work design almost as if it was really alive and crawling around the bars of the gate.

But the weird thing is what's in front of the gate: A freaking open air lobby, complete with a reception desk, waiting areas with a TV monitor floating in the corner and vending machines. There were a lot of people, of every race and religion. Everyone has a table assigned to them and surprisingly everyone looked normal. I mean everyone looked like they already accepted what this all means. Even me surprisingly I was calm: no freak outs, no hyperventilating, nothing. And I don't even remember how I got here exactly.

So I just followed what everyone else was doing. They went near the desk, talked to the person sitting under the carved marble symbol of their religion then went back to waiting until they were called to go near the gate. My only problem was that I really didn't believe in any one religion. I'm sort of like a person who believed that there was a higher power in control, but wasn't convinced with the belief of a specific religion. Luckily I think I found my counter. It was just a blank marble slate; hesitantly I approached the counter and was greeted by a girl with an angelic face.

I meant that literally, she really was an angel. The full package; halo, wings and white toga.

"Uhmm... hi" I clumsily said

"Well hello there. Welcome to Afterlife Inc. what can I do for you?" she said looking up from her desk

"Uh, yeah I just got here and I don't really know what I'm supposed to do." I explained scratching my head.

"Oh don't worry. It's my pleasure to answer all you questions. My names Amelia and you are?" she said looking expectantly at me.

"Err, Ethan...My name is Ethan Cho."

After I said my name her fingers began moving in front of her as if she was typing on a keyboard but I didn't see anything.

"Don't even bother looking. Only authorized personnel can see these computers. Its telepathically linked with us." she explained with a wink noticing my confused expression.

"HuH... oh, wow" was my weak reply still trying to look.

"Cho, Cho here we go, Amanda, Amy, Ariel, Arla, Brandon, Bihei, Bella, Brile, Chenxi, Diana, David, Ethan." she muttered " There you are, Cho Ethan, COD: Fall from 24th floor" that got my eyebrows rising I didn't remember falling to my death " Date of Birth: August 24,1997, Age at death 19, Belief: Undefined, Living Relatives: Mother, Sister. Soulmate: UNMET." she took a quick look at me with a gleam in her eye, and then went back to looking at her desk.

"Okay you're cleared and in the system. Please wear this and wait to be called. Thank you very much and happy afterlife" she cheerily said after giving me a red wristband.

Noticing that I was not leaving she asked "Do you have any questions?"

"Yep...Err...uhm yes" I said stuttering. "What did you just read and what do you mean I'm in the system?"

"Oh that, that was your afterlife entrance file. It helps keep record of who's supposed to be up here and those who get up here but are not yet supposed to, like people who have  near death experiences. They sometimes get here but if they're not in the system we send them back down." She pointed to an elevator behind me that I just noticed then.

"But you'" she said pointing at me "you're in the system which means you're really dead sorry about that by the way. Well falling from the 24th floor does that to people. Really wasn't pretty. Oopps my bad, not really supposed to give details to you guys." She added sheepishly.

"But it's also not that simple. You see the AEF, holds your whole life story. Your thoughts, ideas, dreams, sins, regrets, everything but what's really important is the Accomplishments Section. It's like the checklist to see if you were able to fulfill everything that was fated to happen or not. Incomplete afterlife accomplishments means you still have unsettled issues, if you were able to settle all of them while you were alive then your afterlife will be an eternal vacation. Since yours is still incomplete then you will have to work under one of the departments of heaven until you fulfill your afterlife accomplishments. Right now what I'm seeing are unfulfilled accomplishments with your family and your soul mate."

"Okay, so basically what you're saying is I have to work for you guys?"

"Well yes and no." she said with a slight smile. "Yes because you will be working for Afterlife. No because you won't be working here, you will be assigned by the higher ups depending on what they think you should do to complete your AEF. And that should be them calling you right now" She said pointing at the now blinking wristband she gave me earlier.

"Okay, so how do I use this thing?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Just wear it on your wrist; it will then project the screen on your arm. Then it functions just like any other smartphone or tablet. Go on, you don't want to keep the higher ups waiting. Head to the gate once you answer the call, they'll tell you what to do when you get there."

I hastily wore the wristband. After a few seconds, a holo screen was projected on my arm.

'Whoa now this is nice' I thought to myself. On the screen was a middle aged man with a majestically trimmed beard and reading glasses.

"Hello?" I hesitantly ask.

"Cho, Ethan AFE 2759238. Please proceed to Elevator 3" he crisply said giving me a stern look.

"Oh, okay" I quickly replied as the screen faded.

Moving across the room I spot the elevators which are surprisingly just doorframes, no walls or shafts visible but people are still coming and going. I walk to the one with the red 3 floating above it. Unsure where to find the button to call the lift was I was about to look over the other side to watch other people when the guy beside me started talking to me.

"Just swipe your band on the ride side buddy" he said. I turned to face him. "The name's Albert." extending his hand towards me. "I'm guessing it's your first time?"

" Uh..yeah. Ethan. Ethan Cho" I said as I shook his hand. "What did you mean anyways?"

"Well you see I'm Hindu and it's apparently going to be my 3rd reincarnation. That's what they saw on my file." He explained.

"Oh wow good for you I guess another shot at life. Not really a religious person myself."

"Ah I see a non-believer huh. I'm surprised you're not freaking out" he pointed out.

"Well I did believe in something higher, but I didn't find the explanation I was looking for" I told him.

"Well hope you find it here. You go ahead looks like they're already waiting" he said and pointed to my wristband that was blinking.

"Oh crap" I mumbled as I hurried swiped at the door. It opened a few moments later and I jumped in.

"I guess this is it huh. Nice meeting you Albert" I said waving at him.

"Likewise my friend. Namaste may the gods guide you." he replied bowing slightly and pressed his hands together as the door closed.

I smiled backed and did a small nod. The interior of the elevator was solid gold and very reflective. It was surprising to see that I was wearing my grey hoodie and faded jeans. No shoes though but I didn't really notice and don't fell cold from the floor. Guess that's another one they got right, your ghost wears the clothes you die in. Which had me thinking am I a spirit or a ghost.

Made a mental note to ask the next person as the elevator doors opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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