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The bitter air hit my skin as I swung my front door open. My bare arms froze as I walked up to the black Audi that was roughly parked in my dads long winding drive. I rubbed my arms as I pulled open the car door, almost forgetting that in America the passenger seat is on the right. I quickly slam the door shut behind me automatically thinking it will
Keep the warmth in but instead the car was cold and bitter just like the outside air. "Hey" I fasten my seatbelt and turn to smile at jack, my hot rockstar boyfriend "hey" he puts his cigarette out the window and uses an automatic button to close it. "How's everything?" He asks bluntly "well apart from my dad going on a world tour and meg getting super worried and anxious... everything's fine" my dad, Johnny, is a famous pop star, I only found out he was my dad last year and moved to America late that July. "So where is practice ??" I ask, jumping at the opportunity to change the subject. "Mine" he grins at me with wide eyes "and I told the boys a later time would be better" I giggle at his grin and continue to watch him until we have arrived at his home. His house is a big 3 story mansion with a garden the size of a theme park and a pool the size of a football pitch. "Is Agnes okay ??" I ask him, a worried look spreads across his face as he peers up at the closed pink curtains that hang over her window "umm... I'm not quite sure. She won't talk to me" he gets out the car and walks around to assist me out "maybe I could try and talk to her" I suggest giving him a puppy eyed look "fine but don't be long" he winked and walked around the back off his house which I assume means he's going to the games room. I know there house Like it's my own since I'm here almost everyday. It's the only place I'm aloud to go where security doesn't follow. Jack and Agnes know what it's like to he follows by people with camera and security going with you were ever you go, I guess that's why we connected so well as soon as we met as Gigi's launch party. Gigi is a popular girl from my school, she's super rich and her mum is a model for Victoria secret.

I wonder through the Mitchell's long hallways and rooms bumping into maids along the way until I reach Agnes's bedroom at the top of the house, it's quiet and calm on the top floor, there's no noise at all. I start to wonder if she's sleeping or out but I turn the corner and see that there are lights on in her room. I knock twice then let myself in knowing she won't mind. "Hey you!" I smile st the sight of her sitting on her bed and her laptop covering her face "hey Jessie !!" She replies moving h laptop lower so I can see her face. "Say hi to Brett" she laughs as I sit down I look over to the screen "hey Brett, how's the UK??" I look around at his surroundings "it's raining right now" he frowns "sounds just like England to me" we all laugh "we were just talking about going to Brighton for half term, like all off us u, me, jack, Brett, Gigi, Brandon miles and Macie" her grin is so wide she looks like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. Agnes has very fair brown hair with bright flashy green eyes and big plump red lips just like her brother. "That sounds great but when ?" I sigh "for my birthday" she giggles at the screen "sure, if you don't mind security guards following us around all half term" I say sarcastically. My dad doesn't let me go anywhere alone anymore, not after what happened last time. "Honestly I don't mind I like sam" sam is my personal security guard he follows me around and I tell him pretty much everything. "Yeah I guess it's better than a random guard who for all we know could be a pervert" suddenly the door swings open and jack appears in the doorway, SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT THE BAND... "you've been ages I was getting worried" he sighs resting his entire body on the frame of the door. "Well, we were just planning a holiday" I say getting up and walking towards him "mmh and where's that ?" He grins as I snuggle into his chest "uh... Brighton" I say as my voice becomes muffled "sounds good" he leans down to kiss my forehead his breathe against my my cheeks makes the hairs at the back off my neck stand "you guys we are still
In the room" Agnes and Brett smile "bye guys" I shout as jack grabs my hand. We lay in each others arms until we are disturbed by the loud noise of the doorbell from floor1. He holds my hand tight as we walk down the 4 flights of stairs until we reach the front door and we have to let go. My palms are sweaty and disgusting but I have no time to go and wash them so, I jog to the games room to set up, since that's what we were supposed to be doing before they arrived.

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