Chapter 5

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Dinah walked through school. She needed to know where Normani was. To be honest that was what most of her thoughts took up. What was this girl doing to her? Why did she love, out of all people, Normani?

Ally walked by. Dinah grabbed her arm. "Have you seen Normani?"

"If i did I wouldnt tell you." Ally snapped.

"Woah there." Dinah said. She towered over Ally and right now she saw fear in her eyes. She loved that. Her and Lauren both loved that feeling. Camila was the decitful of the three. "Did you just say no, to me?"

Ally nodded, trying to be confident but Dinah saw the waver.

"Wheres Normani?" She asked sharply.

"I dont know!" Ally said sharply. Then she turned and began walking again.

Dinah rolled her eyes. Then she heard Beyonce. She followed the strong beat to a dance studio. She hadnt even known they had one! The door opened to a staircase that led downward. Dinah traveled slowly downward.

She stayed just out of sight from the mirrors. There were a huge set of speakers with an ipod latched on. And in the middle of the room was Normani. She was spinning and spinning like it was timeless. Her hair was whipping widely around her. Instead of her usual glam she wore sweats and a one shoulder black top. She was so beautiful.

Stop it Dinah! She scolded herself.

Normani danced gracefully to Listen. Her movements were slow then exploded with the song. Dinah absouletly loved the way she danced. It was so beautiful.

Finally her spins began to slowly and she spun slowly to a stop. Her chest heaving up and down. It was probably only because the song had ended.

"Nice dancing." Dinah says with a smirk as She enters.

Normani rolls her eyes, sits down, and begins stretching in a pike. Her hair falling down around her. "What do you want now Dinah?"

Dinah moves closer to her. "Stop stretching will you?" Dinah asks lowering her voice.

Normani stops and leans back a little on her hands. "Yes?"

"If I told you a secret would you blab?"

She actually looked surprised. "No but why would you tell me a secret."

"Because it eats me alive Normani!" Dinah says.

Normani looks at me. "Alright what is it?"

Then she leans in. Her hand reachs around Normani, landing on her neck. Pulling her closer. Her lips meet hers, and everything sparks. For a moment Dinah just savors the sweet smell of Normani. And then she feels preassure. Normani kisses her back. And they sit like that, not caring, just being free for a few minutes.

The one thing they neglected, was Lauren lurking in the doorway. Watching it happen.


Normani watched Dinah leave. The popular badass who just kissed her. Who just kissed her! She knew she was bi but Dinah? Why on Earth would Dinah be bi? Or even lesbian!? Camila and her gang were suposed to be perfects deffinition.

After a few mintues Normani got up and decided she needed to get going. That was when Camila and Lauren ran into her in the hallway.

"Well well if it isnt miss glam!" Camila laughed along with Lauren.

"Sorry Im not picture perfect. Wouldnt wana damage your eyes further." Normani said.

Camila pouted. "Well my mom is having a party and Im supose to invite everyone." She thrust an envelope at Normani.

She took it with a smile. "I bet this just kills you."

Camila smiled and nodded. "Please wear something that will be appealing. I dont want to scare my guests."

"Whatever you say queen." Normani gave a little curtsy.

"I really hate you." Camila say.

"Feelings mutal."

"But your going to regret it." Camila said and her eyes darkened for a moment then she turned and stromed away. Giving out inventations to other people.

Normani rolled her eyes and turned when she felt a cold hand on hers. Something slipped into her hand. When she turned there was no one though.

"Meet me in the alleyway by your house. We need to have a chat. ~Lauren"

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