Skinny Love.

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The pain was unbearable as I sat in the school sick bay. I'd never gotten headaches like this before and this was the tenth time this month. Lying my head against the pillow I squeezed my eyes shut wishing the pain away. Hearing the familiar scratching of a pen against a paper I looked up to see the school nurse was writing my permission slip to leave school. Handing it over she gave me a concerned look "You're sure your parents are coming to collect you?" She asked in her kind voice that had treated me so well by letting me come rest in the sick bay for the last month.

"Of course" I lied giving a small smile standing up. My parents hadn't ever collected me ever since I could remember, There to busy drinking to care. It had been this way ever since David had died, They both forgot about me and turned to drink. Throwing my bag over my shoulder I thanked the nurse and exited the sick bay my head thumping.

The hall was crowded with people at their lockers and on there way to class. I pushed my way through the crowd until I reached my locker. Opening my locker I had only started to reach for my Biology book when my locker was slammed shut. I sighed and looked to the person responsible for nearly decapitating my hand to see The Mega B*tch leaning against the locker beside mine smirking.

I sighed waiting for the abuse. This was the daily routine. I somehow got in Claire's line of sight and she couldn't miss the opportunity to torture me. I looked behind me to see not only her two 'sidekicks' flanking her. Claire was the most popular girl in my year and made sure to let everyone know it. She had glossy blonde hair that framed her face and came down to reach her shoulder, She had the body figure of an hour-glass and wore the most revealing outfits, Whereas I had waist long wavy bronze hair wore my old ripped blue jeans and black peace top and I didn't hold curves I was just skinny. Bony Skinny.

"Can I please go to my locker?" I asked quietly staring at the door of my locker. My head was really starting to hurt. I wonder if they could see it pulsing? If they could they didn't care. "Can I please go to my locker?" Claire imitated me scrunching up her face, Her friends laughed. I squeezed my eyes shut again hoping that when I opened them that they would disappear. To my despair they didn't.

Claire examined her nails while she spoke "My sister said she saw your parents yesterday" She smirked her eyes glittering as they came to contact with mine. I chewed the inside of my lip nervously. Claire had used this blackmail over me for years. She wanted me to do something for her, That was the only way she'd keep my parents identity a secret. I waited for the request. The look on her face showed she knew I knew what was coming. "Kaiya you catch on fast." She grinned mischievously.

Once she saw I wasn't responding she said in a hushed tone "Here's the deal, Asher Tate likes you and told me to tell you but I want him" She said with a childlike demand as if she wanted a new cuddly toy or something."I need you to tell him you're not interested and lead him to me." She grinned. Asher Tate was one of the most good looking guys in the school, I was still getting over the shock that he liked me. Not that I would ever have the chance to even consider liking him back as Claire wanted him.

I sighed and nodded "I'll do it tomorrow, I have to go to the hospital now." I meant for it to be in a dismissive tone but they didn't budge. I turned to glance at her to see she was giving me a 'Do I look like I care?' Look. She wasn't going to leave until I'd done it. "Fine" I sighed. She squealed in delight and spun me around leading me outside. My head was starting to spin and I could hear the thumping noises. Claire led me over to a bench under a tree where all the cool people sit and told me to wait for Asher. I sat on the bench and leaned my head back shutting my eyes tightly once again. 'Pain end please' I pleaded.

A clearing of a throat pulled me from my thoughts. I opened my eyes to see a blushing Asher standing awkwardly in front of me. Feeling sorry for him I patted the seat next to me on the bench which he took graciously. After a few moments of silence he said "So..Um..You heard I like you then?" I planned what to say and repeated it without looking at him. "Yes Asher, I'm really touched but I don't really like you more than a friend. I'm sorry, But Claire really likes you she told me herself." I said without breaking. I worried it sounded too rehearsed. I stuck a glance at Asher to see him look thoughtful.

After another few moments of silence he shrugged, Smiled and said "Okay, That's cool" and walked off in the opposite direction back towards the school without even a goodbye. Guess he just wanted to get in my pants after all. Finally I started to make my way to the hospital to get these insane headaches checked out.

The hospital was a half an hour walk from the school and a heavy bag doesn't make the journey any more fun. Half way to the hospital my phone vibrated in my pocket. I clicked open the new message to see it was from Claire.

It read; You did good. I'll be getting some action tonight, You're secret is safe for now. -C

What kinda jugged up person is she? 'I'll be getting some action tonight' I mean were not even FRIENDS for crying out loud. Slipping my phone back in my pocket I continued my walk to the hospital.

****Three Very Long Hours Later*****

I sat on the the hospital bed anxiously twisting my fingers waiting for my brain scans to come back. Finally the doctor came in with a scrunched up expression of concern on his face. Not good. It didn't make it any better when he looked at me with sad eyes. Oh Dear God. What's going on?


Okay so I thought I'd try something new (: Hope you like it <3

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