Chapter six.

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"So you just stayed up there in protest for two days?" I asked eyes wide. We were talking about his protest against his parents when they wanted to send him to medical camp.

 After Jam had promised not to ask any more questions he had put on a film called 'Finding Nemo' about a clownfish that gets taken from his father by evil boaters or so Jam had put it and somehow that had lead us on to the next topic of familys.

"Did your father not make you get down?" I asked taking a sip of my water balanced between my knees. Rolling his eyes he picked up the remote and flicked through the channels "My and my father never got along, It was like I wasn't even his kid" Jam answered a bitter edge to his tone.

Before I could stop myself I felt the words slipping through my lips "I know how that feels". The look in his eyes made me instanting regreted it. His eyes held mine with the curiousity leaking back into them, I turned my gaze towards the television where a documentary about sharks was playing silently breaking our silence.

"Kaiya?-" He was cut off by my aprupt "Just leave it," letting our silence continue.

Jam breathed a heavy sigh as he slouched back into the couch and out of his tense position just to let out a small yelp and he was back in his crouched position. I furrowed my eyebrows at him as he reached to his back to sooth it.

He caught my questioning glance "My back.." He gestured "It's be at me for a while now, I just can't seem to get the crick out of it" He explained buffing out his chest to arch his back into a what, by seeing his facial expression, Looked as if it hurt dearly.

I found myself moving towards him along the couch of where I had kept a safe distance from him and suprised us both as I felt along his rippled back muscles and dug the heel of my hand into it, breaking out the muscle tension.

He sighed in contempt and his back relaxed against my thawing "That feels good" He moaned and I had to hold back the laugh rumbling in my chest. "Has anyone told you that your fingers work magic?" He moaned again and this time the laugh escaped me before I could hold it in.

He circled around to face me with hazy eyes, Our faces inches apart as his breaths touched my face cooling the flush rising as he locked eyes with me,

His deep eyes burning into my soul.

His breathing came more quickly as I found myself lowering my face towards his so that our noses bumped lightly making him smile lighting up his features.

Closer and closer until...



Short? yes.

Crap? yes.

But I uploaded :D

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