Chapter 30

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        I stood up slowly, now full of rage. It's all these darks fault.... they will pay... I thought angrily. I ran through the snow full speed, running down the snow covered path and slipping through the gates in front of Russia's mansion. I continued down the path, stopping finally and gasping for air. "COME GET ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF CRAP!" I screamed, drawing my sword, tears trailing down my face. There was no reply, "COME ON OUT!"  I screamed again. Finally dark America and dark Russia appeared. They approached without hesitation, dark Russia had his pipe by his side. I swung my sword at him and he held his pipe up, blocking it inches away from his head. He swung his pipe and in one swift movement batted my sword out of my hand. "You called?" Dark America smirked. "Stop hurting Russia." I said shakily. "Ph- you can't tell us what to do." Dark America laughed. I got down on my knees in front of them, looking up, tears dripping off my face. "I'm not telling you, I'm begging you." I said through a hoarse voice. Dark Russia looked almost as if he was sorry for me, I took the chance to weaken him and continued. I rested my forehead on his boot and sobbed, "Please..." Dark Russia finally gave in, "What will you do if, just saying, we stopped...?" He asked. I paused, thinking, "Anything." I finally said. Russia was my friend, I would do anything for him, even if it meant giving myself to them to make me do whatever they wanted. "Deal." Dark America said almost instantly. Dark Russia grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. "You'll help us be home our true form, Da?"

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