love's fake.

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" Ima always love you, I will never put anyone above you "

6 missed calls, 28 messages, 9 missed FaceTime calls, from Malak . I am now 19, almost graduating from high school in a few weeks.

Prom was tonight, and I was supposedly going with Malak, but na he always fucks up. Playing with my feelings.

" Kehlani ? you good ?" asked my momma as she came in the room. I was on my bed, crying my eyes out.

"Malak ain't shit, leaving you crying." momma said as she wiped my tears.

Malak played, played with the school hoe, Tania. why ? ☹️.

I smiled, " thanks momma" i finally replied and stood up.

Its alright, he played me. I'm gon come better than before, I ain't no weak bitch no mo, I learned my lesson, love's fake💔.

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