a letter to everyone

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I would like to thank you for accepting me in your life even though i'd be a troublemaker sometimes; I can be the shittiest person alive, but somehow you'd stay and accompany me throughout my living.

God bless you.

I'm writing this to tell you that I'm
sorry if I'm not the person you'd expect me to be.
I'm most likely a girl with wild imagination(not dirty ones okay);
I have suicide thoughts most of the times, but luckily most of you talked about this with me and tried to figure out this with me. Thank you for your advice and I'll definitely keep that in mind.

How and why can I admit that I'll be the shittiest person alive?

Because I hurt people, with the way I treated them, the way I talk with them, basically most of my actions will end up hurting people. And I hate that. I hate myself for hurting people.

I neglected people who needed me most. Sorry. I didn't realize this all along.

I keep saying sorry when I know it's  absolutely not my fault.

I depend on people too much and ended up being a hypocrite.

To make things clear, I don't understand myself, fully, not yet.
people my age are going through an identity crisis.

I believe we'll be better sooner, and will understand ourselves fully the right time comes. Trust me on that, if you want to.

To my close friends or acquaintance,
sorry I'm not the person you'd expect me to be.
I'm vicious than I look.
I have this dark side of me I can't show you.

I'm afraid by exposing this dark side of me, I'll end up hurting you.

To my crush and ex-crushes,
I liked you because I knew you'd have the potential to impress me in certain ways and to entertain my gloomy heart. Geez, I sound so weird.
But heck, you ruined it. Out of my expectations. And sorry too, for liking you guys when I knew you'll never like me back. To my current crush, please show me your inner bad side so I can unlike you and things will get better. I'm kidding. Keep on impressing me, I'll always be impressed on every small thing you do. Even by picking your nose will probably make my nose bleed. Okay this time, I'm joking.

To my bandmates and coach:

Thank you for having me in this band. I could never be thankful enough to be here. To understand music with you guys. I could never do things the cool way if it wasn't for you guys.
Sorry if I laugh too loud and it can annoy you sometimes and I'll think of a better way to change it. I love you guys sooooo much.

To my family,
Thank you for having me since I was born. I know I'll be the most annoying kid among the household, but still you guys deserve the award for "most patient family". Thank you for all of your support in everything I do, thank you for raising me up faithfully. Overall, I'm grateful for everything. God bless us.

Last but not least,

To everyone who is reading this, who manage to reach at the last part of the letter.

Thank you.

I think this letter should be written on another story but whatever. This ended up as an appreciation letter.

Thank you for your support, readers.

God bless you.

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