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I changed into a grey crop top some black ripped jeans and a pink jacket.

I changed into a grey crop top some black ripped jeans and a pink jacket

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I hear a honk outside my house. I quickly slip on my shoes and grab my phone.

I hear another two honks as I walked down the stairs to the front door.

"Hurry up!" Alex said impatiently as I closed the front. I jogged to her car.

"Boys are going to drool over you" Alex said as I got into her car.

"Thank you" I said as Alex puts the car in drive. "You know the address right?" Alex asked me.

"Yes I do. Why won't I? I always find out what parties Mark goes to. I have the address right here." I showed Alex my phone. She looks at it for a quick second before looking back at the road.

"Oh I know that street. I used to drive by it all the time" Alex said like she was trying to brag.

"Please don't talk about your boring life" Alex gave me a short glare before stepping on the gas pedal.


"You almost killed us back there!" I laughed.

"Yeah but I didn't" Alex pulled up in front of a huge house but not as huge as mine.

You could already hear the music blaring from the windows

We got out of her car walking to the front door of this house.

I just opened the door. I strong smell of alcohol hits me.

I saw some people smoking, others making out, some people puking in a corner or plant. I scrunch my nose at the sight.

This was a party for collage people and I was a high schooler.

I saw some people that went to my school. Even some of the nerds.

Me and Alex walk through the crowded areas.

I already spotted Mark making out with someone.

I looked at him in disgust and kept on walking.

"Alex..." I turn back and I see she is gone. I fucking hate when she leaves me.

I turn back around but I bump into someone. I stumble back a bit.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking" he said. "Its okay I wasn't even paying attention" I replied.

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