Seonho / Angst

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Hello, thank you to everyone reading this book! I'm going to write as soon as possible the requests, but today I'm writing something special for me.

Someone asked for a Seonho angst and to be honest I am very unfamiliar with angst, I don't read any, so it's still quite a mysterious thing to me, so please be comprehensive, I really want to fulfill your request so yeah I hope it won't be too bad >-<



Trainee: Seonho (Cube)

Genre: Angst

I walk in the hallway of the school, half wishing to see him, half wishing I won't.

Because I know if I see him, he'll be with her.

Seonho, my crush since elementary school and his girlfriend Sorn (A/N: yes I'm using CLC Sorn because they are both from cube)

But deep down I still hope to see him, so bad.

We never really talked, yet I've fell deeply in love with him.

He's perfect.

He's nice, friendly, always smiling. He's good at studying and he can dance.

He's everything I'm not.

And as so many girls in the school, I have a crush on him.

But for me it started way before high School.

It started when he has round glasses and when he was a little chubby, when we were 8.

I was bullied by two boys of our class and he had came to my rescue, telling the boys to leave me alone.

And then he had comforted me.

It had been the only time we had talked.

And I can still remember it as if it was yesterday.

I start hearing a few whispers growing around me and I know it's them.

I turn around, knowing the sight will hurt me more than anything.

Seonho and Sorn are walking in the hallway, hand in hand, chatting casually. Seonho is carrying her bag and they seem so happy.

My heart breaks at this sight, yet I fall even more in love with Seonho.

They pass in front of me, without noticing my presence.

They never do.

Later that day I am having my lunch on the rooftop as usual.

Alone as usual.

When suddenly I hear voices coming closer to me, voices of people fighting.

I hide a bit, hoping they won't see me and silently munch on my sandwich.

I almost choke when I hear:

"You think I would never know? That you cheated on me?!" The person exclaims.

That person whose voice I know Oh so well.


"I'm sorry Oppa! I'm so sorry!" Sorn cries "It was a one time thing, nothing more, I swear!"

"Above that it had to be my best friend?! Gosh I can't believe it" He yells.

(A/N: you're free to decided whatever the best friend is Guanlin)

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me! I love you" The girl pleads.

I bet that even if she's crying, her makeup still looks perfect.

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