Chapter 25

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Song for the chapter: Helium by Sia
"We'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I nodded as I give one last hug to Mark's dad. We spent the rest of the afternoon bonding with Mark's family. All the worry and anxiety that I have before meeting them quickly vanished as soon as I met them. His parents asked us to stay for a bit more and have dinner with them but we need to leave now as Mark needs to be at the venue for the rehearsals.

"I'll send a car to pick you guys up so you don't have to drive back so late." Mark added.

I immediately snuggled at Mark's side as soon as we entered the car.

"How was it?" He asked. I tilted my head as he looked down at my smiling face.

"Your family is wonderful. It was really nice meeting them." I replied feeling giddy.

"See? I told you you have nothing to worry about. Even my nieces love you." He said as I bit my lip in excitement. "And I love you." I said giving him a kiss. The rest of s were already at the venue for a quick rehearsal and sound check. They always do this in every venue just to make sure they get the feel of the stage.

"I'll see you back at the hotel okay?" I give him a kiss as I bid him goodbye. I'm off to our branch here in Los Angeles for some work that my dad asked me to take care so I won't be joining them for the soundcheck.

"Contact me once you're done with your work there, okay?" He said hugging me tight.

"You too. Bye." I give him one last kiss before finally leaving.

We encountered some traffic on the way to the hotel but thankfully we arrived within the hour. I was met by the General Manager of the branch, Miranda, at the lobby.

"Anna, it's nice to see you." I smiled as I greeted her with air kisses.

"Miranda, it's been so long. How are you?" I said.

"Oh everything's great. Anyway, your dad wants you to check out the new additions to our Pragma Suites." I frowned a bit from what she said in confusion. Why does my dad needs me to check our Pragma suites? Our Pragma suites are exclusive to couples wanting the complete romantic experience.

"Oh okay." That's all I could say as she lead the way. Miranda started fidgeting around checking her pockets.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Uhhmm, I think I left my phone in the office and I am waiting for an important call." She said as the elevator door finally opened.

"Well then you can go back and get it. I'll be okay checking the suite by myself." I said as I got off the elevator.

"Are you sure?" I nodded assuring her that it's really okay. She thank me saying that she'll be back quickly. I open the door to the suite when I was surprised by what I see.

"Mark? What are you doing here?" I sputtered as I see my boyfriend, who I clearly dropped off in Pasadena, standing in the middle of the suite holding a bouquet of flowers.

Mark gave me an amused smile while walking towards me before sweeping me in the most passionate kiss.

"Happy monthsary, baby." He whispered.

"Oh... oh... OH!" I gasped realizing that it's our monthsary today. With eyes wide, I kissed him again, deeper than it was before. "Happy monthsary."

Mark explained to me while dining that he asked help from my dad to plan the surprise and that I don't have anything to check at all. And that there was no soundcheck and I belatedly understood why he was insisting for me not to get out of the car when I dropped him off.

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