Chapter 7

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'It's really cold' I thought to myself as I rolled over trying to find Dmitry. I shot up because I couldn't find him. Did he leave me? Did he not want me?
My breathing started to increase and tears formed in my eyes, when I heard him,
"Are you ok? Why are you crying?" He asked, walking over to the bed. I crawled over to him and hugged him.
"I thought you left me. I woke up and you weren't here." I cried into his crest.
"Baby I would never leave" he said pulling me closer to him. He held me until I stopped crying and pulled me up to meet his face. We were face to face just looking at each other. Our eyes would shift from one another's lips back to our eyes. I had enough and smashed my lips to his, pushing him back onto the bed, playing with his hair. His hands wondered my body and squeezed my hips. I pulled his shirt over his head and threw it. We rolled over and he was on top of me and kissed down my jawline to my neck. He found the spot he would mark and sucked on it. He was about to bit down when Brian busted through the door, "Alpha, we have her."
Dmitry ignored him and growled a low, " get out! I'll deal with it later." His eyes were black and his wolf was close to taking over. Brian left quickly. As much as I loved this it's going to have to stop. His pack needs him.
"Dmitry" I said softly and he only hummed in response.
"Dmitry" I said a little louder and less soft. This got his attention.
"What? Is something wrong?" He asked worried.
"No, everything is perfect but your pack needs you," I said watching his eyes turn back to normal.
"You need me too," he smirked and buried his head back into my neck.
"Dmitry, please," I laughed," they need you."
"Aghh, fine but this isn't over" he said rolling off of me and pulled on a shirt. I sat up on my elbows watching him. He noticed and smirked, walking over to kissed me. When he left I fell onto my back," how did I live without him?" I asked myself smiling.
After Aphrodite made me leave I went to find Brian. He said he found got her so I assumed he put her in the prison house and that's where I went. As soon as I stepped through the door to the prison I knew she was there. She will pay for what she done to my baby girl. I growled lowly at the thought but was broke off when Brian said he would take me to her. We got to the door and Brian just looked at me, waiting, I slammed the door open looking at her. She was weak and nasty, like her personality.
"Why were you on my territory?" I growled, closing the door behind me. She was chained to the wall and was desperately tried to get free. She didn't answer so I asked again, yet she didn't answer again.
"ANSWER ME!!!" I growled, hitting the wall. She started laughing and it pissed me off to the point of me seeing black spots.
"If your going to kill me than do it. I'm not afraid of you," she said, which caused me to laugh. So I desided that I wouldn't kill her and I would just keep her here, in prison to never have freedom.
" I'll just keep you here," I laughed," you will never get your freedom." Her laughed died.
"Alpha" a young man, who is new to the pack, bust thought the door.
"What?" I asked, confused on why he was panicked.
"It's Aphrodite, something is wrong" he said, shaking.
"What is it?" I asked again.
"She is..... she is..." he said, "gone."

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