Chapter Fourteen

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With my plan in action I leave my room and listen around the house. I hear noise coming from the living room that sounds like a group of guys watching a football game. A smirk forms on my face when I hear one particular voice rise amoung the others. This is exactly what I was hoping for.

I walk into the living room and look around the group. There are about ten guys scattered around the room, Leonel is sitting on the couch talking to one of the warriors about stategic opportunities while they both look at the tv, obviously more engrossed in the game than their conversation.

There is a spot open right next to them, but for my plan to work, I need to be able to get Leonel jealous, which I wouldn't be able to do if I was sitting right next to him and not someone else.

Because of course the only way for someone to realize they did something wrong is for you to make them realize what they are missing, by making them jealous.

I would never normally do something this bold, since I'm going to have to flirt with someone else, but you do crazy things when you are fighting for love. Of course I don't love Leonel right now, I currently feel hatred towards the infuriating man. He seems to not be able to make time for me, yet here he is watching a football game. If I had my way he would already be head deep in a pile of shit, but I need to take this a different direction, or he'll never realize his true mistake.

It could be so easy for someone to just come in his place and scoop me up. I'm not blind to the way some of the females and males in the pack look at me. I am my father's child, to say the least. Daddy gave me all of his good looks, causing me to look innocent and strong at the same time.

With one last deep breath I walk I to the room. No one really notices me walking into the room beside Leonel, who narrows his eyes at me as I walk in the other side of the room as him and perch on top of the love seat arm rest instead of sitting right next to him.

Blake is sitting in the seat next to the arm rest. Blake is one of the warriors who has caught my eyes in the past, and me him. We have had some causal flirting going on, but it has been a while since we have talked. Blake notices me as I sit down and smile brightly at me.

"Ashton! It's so nice to see you. I hope you are feeling better. I visited you in the hospital, but you were sleeping every time I came. I guess I just have really bad timing." I laugh as I agree with him. I know he really didn't come and visit me as much as he is making it seem. Daddy or Mason would have told me if I had any visitors while I was sleeping, since I was always asking to see if Leonel had ever came by and I missed him.

"It feels like forever since we actually talked. I wish we could have some more time to catch up. Maybe we could go out to dinner tomorrow and talk?" Blake finally asks after fifteen minutes of idle chitchat. I bite my lip to stop from smiling when I hear a growl rumble from in the room.

Blake puts his hand on my thigh, which seems to be the last straw for Leonel because he stands up and roars at Blake before plucking me off of the arm rest and carrying me out of the room.

I know that my plan has worked, but I didn't really plan on what I was going to say to Leonel once i got his attention. Of course I assumed that he would simply tell me that I am his and that no guy could ever touch me before kissing me, but somehow, I don't think that is going to happen. I think I just got myself into a lot of shit that I didn't intend to get myself into.

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